Can drinking vitamin E, omega 3 and vitamin C delay a period?


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I recently started taking supplements (march 25) period ended on march 17 or 18, I am already 2 days late (period started on march 13).
@garryowen Nope, but I recently lost my virginity on march 19th, started my period on march 13th. Bf didnt cum at all because it was uncomfortable for the first time since we were both virgins we used a durex condom. However, my periods always come at (jan 11, feb 12 and march 13) my period this month hasn't came but I'm stressing over if im pregnant or not because its my first time experiencing sexual activities (20F).

Note: i also gained about 4 kgs (i was 51.4 kg before, 55.4kg now) eversince I stop exercising (around late feb) 4x a week for 3hrs a day for volleyball training.

We also had external genital grinding on apr 7 but again, he didn't cum. Im so worried about my period being late :( my friends believe I'm fine but im still super anxious
@s33k1ng Anxiety in itself can delay your period. Using a condom means pregnancy shouldn't be a concern, but you could take a test for reassurance, it's been long enough that you could take one any time of day and it'd be definitive.