Calling All Moms Who Have Breastfed


New member
Help. Me. Why.

THANK YOU EVERYBODY SO MUCH. I didn’t expect so many responses. Thank you!!​

EDIT: F U if you downvoted. Im asking for help/advice and obviously my baby is very loved and Im very devoted to him. So suck my D!

Edit to add: he cuts like 4-6 teeth at once… and is growing so tall so fast. so I know that may be a big factors for comfort but jeez it’s hard.

Info: my 19 month old rainbow baby is glued to me, and I’m unsure if I may have messed up. I have exclusively breast fed, did a bottle sometimes in newborn phase and ditched it, never used a paci, and have co slept. (If you’re anti co sleep. Please do not come for me.)

He’s 19 months in a week. He is STUCK on my tits. I mean. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I don’t know what to do.

I swear he’s more on my boobs now than he ever has been. I don’t want to force him to wean 100%, but he wants to nurse 100million times a day.

He tries to pull out my boobs in public. If we are home it’s nurse nurse nurse nurse. Meltdown if I put them away.
Do I need to just bite my tongue through the crying and ignore him and suffer?
I feel like a monster when I do that.

He’s eating food… sort of. #he does eat food He’s a big fruit guy. He eats other stuff, but he’s just obsessed with booby. Some days he eats a lot of snacks and fruit and others he doesn’t. I know that’s typical for toddlers.
He used to eat a LOT at meal times and recently regressed
I give him juice and water. Sometimes he straight refuses both. I gave him regular milk a couple times, and he looked straight offended and grossed out.

I feel like I’m failing hahahaha. He’s my “first” baby my rainbow baby. So I think I may have spoiled him a bit too much and lack of experience and help I have set like little to NO boundaries. I’m at a loss.

I have a feral 19 month old who is quite literally running my life. He’s impossible in public. My man (his father) can’t even hug me without high pitched screaming.
For the love of god , someone tell me they’ve been through this or it’s semi normal? Or have I fucked up?
@lukester09 Bigger actual food meals, snacks he can grab whenever he wants, and start putting his milk in sippy cups during the day. Nurse only to sleep.

Now this is going to be hard as he is going to push harder to nurse when it’s a no. So you do have to stand firm, but it’s not mean. It’s okay for you to reclaim your body at least a lil bit. You have given him so much.

You haven’t messed up at all. And it is normal, but he is big enough to handle this change now.
@lukester09 Wear tops that he can’t pull you out of as well to make sure he can’t get at you. I had to go cold turkey with my youngest when I was rushed to hospital and put on heavy medication that I couldn’t breastfeed on (she was about the same age) and I wore high neck, longer sleeve tops so she had no access at all. Helped when we were out in public!

Even though he’s young get him in the kitchen and get him to help “prep” his plate so he takes more interest in the food he’s about to eat. The less boob and snacks he has the more he’ll eat at meals which will then help him go longer. Good luck!!
@james222 I actually tend to wear sports bras and a t shirt because of this now. It’s just so humid where I live. So it’s a struggle. But I do appreciate the tip regardless.
I’ve been considering getting a little toddler step up thingy so he can help me make food.
Thank you !!

Hope you’re doing better now health wise ?