C-section and diastasis recovery post partum


New member
I had an unexpected C-section and also have pretty severe diastasis recti despite doing pregnancy safe exercises and avoiding coning during pregnancy (I have a really short abdomen). I’m 4 weeks post partum and really discouraged by the look of my stomach/abdominal pelvic l area. Pre pregnancy i was in pretty great shape and exercises regularly on top of being fairly active during the day. I gained weight within the recommended range for normal bmi and I’ve lost half of that so far. I have started doing the Expected and empowered c section recovery program, but don’t get to do it every day since my baby is a total contact only napper and I’m breastfeeding so I really don’t get out of the bedroom often.

When and how can I expect to have a somewhat normal looking abdomen again? I don’t know how to dress for my current body and I am pretty self conscious about how I look right now.
@canlastc 4 weeks is super early! I assume the program you’re doing right now is something super light like diaphragmatic breathing, since there’s no way you’re cleared for exercise 4 weeks pp after a C-section!

You may want to see a pelvic floor pt, at least briefly, somewhere between 8 and 12 weeks pp. 4 weeks is super early - give your body a chance to heal!
@elev8 Thanks!! Yes, the program right now is basically 3-5 minutes of breathing and pelvic floor exercises, plus a daily walk. Definitely not like a work out!
@canlastc Good for you taking it slow! I also forgot to mention that there are random bursts of progress and other random times where the progress stalls pp. I’m at almost 4 month pp and I’ve had good initial progress, then I stalled. Now things seem to be improving again, but I think it has to do with the fact that I’m starting ti get a bit more of a daily routine going, so it’s easier to focus on myself a little more.
@canlastc I'm right there with you. This bulging stomach is really hurting my self esteem. Everyone is different but I'm 12weeks pp and just now seeing some decrease but not much. My abs are so weak. I'm seeing a pelvic floor specialist and I'm back to lifting weights. Hopefully I can gain my strength back soon.
@exegetica It’s really rough! I would love to see a PT but I don’t know how I’d do that given that I barely get a chance to pee or brush my teeth right now. I’ve been trying to go on daily 20 minute walks and aim to do pelvic floor work for a few minutes daily. It’s hard to see other people who delivered around the same time as me looking basically like their pre pregnancy selves while I still look pregnant.
Are there any clothes that you found worked well for when you needed to look semi presentable but also still comfortable? I hate the feeling of anything tight around my waist but I’m also not a big dress person unless it’s really hot out which won’t be for a few months here.
@canlastc I got some wide leg high waist linen pants (old navy). Definitely not the style I would normally wear. But it looks nice and sits above my belly. Besides that I've been wearing my maternity clothes still. But I still look pregnant so I hate that part. My tops are breastfeeding tops.
@kinzamalik01 Ugh. I'm a year out and I finally feel my abs getting stronger. My bulge is better but I still have a round belly. I probably could have stuck with PT longer it was just hard with my schedule. I wish you the best of luck.
@canlastc I'm 5 weeks and have lost just over half my weight, too. I feel you on the limited time and contact napping baby! With warm weather here we will be taking more walks, so that should help. Hopefully that's an option for you, too.
@canlastc Congratulations on the birth of your kid! You're still super early pp. I really understand it's difficult to see how your body has changed (there's a reason I don't work out in front of the mirror anymore), but your body has done something amazing and it needs time to recover. Within a few weeks, you'll be cleared to exercise, and if you were in good shape before, that will definitely help you then. You'll be okay, just give yourself some time. Good luck!
@canlastc Give yourself time, truly. Somewhere between 3 and 4 months postpartum, my abs started reconstituting, for lack of a better word, and my waist showed up again. It was maybe a tiny bit of weight loss, but mostly fueling my body so it could heal, doing some rehab exercises for TA engagement - and just giving it time. I couldn’t have done those exercises more or harder and gotten faster results. Every body is different, but that’s my story. I didn’t get close to pre pregnancy weight until 9 months postpartum, but I saw lots of changes that weren’t weight related at all- I think that’s important to mention since imo calorie restriction can be very bad for the healing process