C-section advice


New member
My wife had an emergency cesarean. The healing has been a tricky process, and she is still getting pain around the scar when wearing our son in the carrier 5 months on.

Are there any things to try or change to reduce the pressure around the area? Or a different type of carrier that might be more comfortable?
Anyone had a similar experience?

@wandkrie I really doubt the scar tissue part. A good pelvic floor PT will teach you how to massage the scar tissue and release it. There are also videos on YouTube. Sometimes they also offer electric current therapy to release it another way.
@wandkrie I’ve had some really good results with acupuncture on my scar. I didn’t have many issues, but noticed improvement in those minor issues… it’s possible it’s just time that helped but it’s worth giving it a go. (I wanted to try massage but could never get an appointment with the massage therapist trained in scar bridging).
@wandkrie Is the issue the carrier putting pressure directly on the scar? Or discomfort around the scar without direct touching?

If it’s the first, as mentioned above apron style carriers - these can come as meh dais or half or full buckle. I think hope and plum carrier is apron style. A ring sling could also work as it’s on the hip, and a woven wrap gives lots of flexibility to find something that could work. A babywearing meet up or consultant to try out different styles could be helpful.

If it’s discomfort without touching, I wonder if it’s related to muscle separation that happens in pregnancy. Has she had any physio or similar appointments for assessment? If not, it could be worth looking into. (The place near me does pregnancy and postnatal Pilates and the exercise physiologists are trained in those areas and do assessments before returning to exercise. It’s fantastic and I wish places like it were widespread and affordable!)