**C O N C E P T I O N** - My wife's eggs were harvested and infested with my swimmers today. IVF


New member
So today was conception day. I'm scared, nervous, and excited. Just wanted to let it be known. Any tips would be wonderful. My wife has already had a child who is 6 now, 3 when I became his dad so she knows what she is getting into but I'm still in the dark. Any advice for a poor fool?
@mayduavongts Take a deep breath. Then another one. You are about to embark on an adventure like none other. It won't always be fun but its so worth it.

My husband and I also had to go through infertility treatment and were ultimately successful using IUI. Our daughter is the most amazing little person and I can't believe I get to spend my time watching her grow!
@mayduavongts Best of luck to you. We did 1 IUI, 2 donor IUI and 1 IVF, all unsuccessful ... (We did adopt a son, who is now the love of our lives ...)

No real advice ... Just take it a day at a time ... Cycle at a time ... Try not to drive yourselves insane w/ symptoms and the internet.
@mayduavongts 26 weeks with a miracle baby myself, and I adopted my husband's two older kids when they were three as well. You made to jump to "Dad" already, and survived it, and asked for more- hang in there, you're going to be fine!

Also, IVF can be scary. If not every egg fertilizes, it's not the end of the world, so be prepared for that as much as you can be. If your wife just had her retrieval, focus on taking care of her. That's seriously uncomfortable business and her abdomen is probably swollen to hell and gone (and still may be when it's transfer time- however, the transfer is waaaaaay easier than the retrieval!). Make sure she gets any pain/anti-nausea meds when she's supposed to.
@mayduavongts If you have lived through ages 3-6 you already have a leg up.

That said:
* Pregnancy can be tough, or not. Depends on the lady and how hormones affect her.
  • Year one will fucking suck (most likely). Sleep is out.
  • Year 1-2 is amazing.
  • Year 2 -3 is good. The changes are incredible.
You're already up on the next sets of years. Enjoy :)