C.D.C. advisers unanimously recommend vaccinations of young children

@destined22 My oldest turns 5 next week, we are in Canada, so the timing couldn’t be sillier. We have successfully avoided COVID so far, so are hoping to make it to the finish line. We also have 18 month old twins and are hoping Canada will authorize this asap so we can finally all be vaxxed!
@destined22 Are people still living differently in 2022 due to Covid?

I live in a rural part of Indiana and no one has even really thought of Covid in about a year. Even the schools kind of just shrug their shoulders when a student catches it.

What’s it been like for people that have been looking forward to this?
@igors I’m in California and everyone we spend time with has likewise adapted and moved on. I think those who have been waiting on a poke for their baby or toddler aren’t visible because they quite literally haven’t left their homes. But each to their own!
@wawahwario This! We've still been in lockdown, I can't wait to do mundane shit like drag the kid on pointless trips to get home improvement supplies, or drag her to indoor venues. We've been an outdoor only socially distanced family. I am busting at the seams.
@igors I’m on the west coast and quite a few people I know are still not taking their LOs indoors anywhere, avoiding get togethers, etc. Lots of variable risk tolerance levels. I know those people are so, so excited to be at this point. We personally opened up a bit after having COVID in January but I’m still pumped!!