Breech baby, planned C Section, any benefits of going into labor before C Section?


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I'm 38+3, and my baby is breech so my provider has scheduled a C Section at 39+5.

I asked her what if I go into labor before the scheduled C Section and she wasn't concerned just said come to the hospital, they'll check if the baby is still beech and then just move up the C Section.

I've been wondering if I should push the date of the C Section to 42 weeks, and see if I go into labor before then and just have the c section whenever I go into labor. But I was wondering if there's any evidence about benefits of having a c section after labor starting rather than doing it before labor starts?

I know the risks of vaginal delivery of breech baby and my obgyn is not trained in it so I don't want that, and since this is my first child I doubt labor will be super short so I should be able to make it to the hospital in plenty of time.

My thinking was that since I have to likely have a c section anyways I'd rather wait for my baby to come out when she's ready rather than unnecessarily earlier, but wanted to know if this thinking is supported by any science/evidence.
@tracyqueen Yes, your baby is less likely to develop TTN transient tachypnea of the newborn if they experience labor contractions

But, you're more likely to have a post partum hemorrhage having a cs while in labor

I'm an L&D nurse and have been involved in hundreds of deliveries. I'd choose a scheduled cs at 39 weeks for myself in the same situation. As controlled and unhurried of a surgery as possible will have the best outcomes for all.

As a side note- have you been offered an external cephalic version?

Check out the spinning babies website if you're interested in trying to flip your baby at home by doing some yoga moves :)
@mammabear7355 Thank you for the links and everything!

Yeah my doctor said she wouldn't recommend an ECV, and I've been doing all the spinning babies stuff! It seems like she really loves the spot she's in lol
@tracyqueen I did so much spinning babies. I personally feel like it’s a scam. It did nothing. My baby was still stuck trying to come out by the side of his head. Beware of people who are profiting off of giving pregnant women the illusion of control over a process we have no control over.
@tracyqueen ECV often doesn't work for first time moms. We tried it, and yeah, baby was VERY comfortable where she was and wasn't moving. It wasn't the most fun thing, but it wasn't terrible (and was covered by insurance, so it was worth trying imo). We also tried everything, but some babies just want to be where they are. Mine was breech for the entire second half of the pregnancy, weeks 20 on. Very comfortable. I was wondering if the cord was short or something. Nope. Just comfortable. No reason at all. Stubborn child. :D
@tracyqueen A scheduled c-section section is FAR less dangerous than an emergency c-section. In fact, an emergency c-section (after labor has started) is the most dangerous way to give birth of all 3 options (vaginal, scheduled c-section and emergency c-section). I've been told by several medical professionals that a scheduled c-section is also the absolute safest way to deliver a baby for the baby.
@tracyqueen I would absolutely not push the date to 42 weeks. C-sections after labor are rougher recovery than planned C-sections with no associated labor. Going longer risks your placenta giving out.

Tbh I would schedule for 39 exactly or 39+1.

Look up the ARRIVE study - not exactly applicable to your situation but shows there are no risks to delivery at 39 weeks.
@javier_is_life My first was a category A emergency c-section under general after an induction at 41+3 after 3 days of contractions that never got close enough to count as being in labour. My placenta gave out during labour, baby lost oxygen, had trouble stabilising sugars after birth. Recovery was kind of sucky.

My second was a calm and orderly scheduled c-section at 39 weeks no labour. Recovery was much easier.

I'm done have kids but would choose a scheduled c-section again hands down.
@javier_is_life My wife’s scheduled C section recovery was so much easier than everyone we know who had a C section after laboring. Our baby was looking really big and the OB said we were looking at a 50% chance of C section even if we did try a vaginal birth, so we decided on scheduled. It was absolutely the right call.
@dropbear Yeah, and I think once you're in labor, duration of labor makes a difference - I was in labor at the hospital for 24 hours, and had what I felt was a fairly easy recovery, but I had a friend who gave birth around the same time who was in labor for FOUR DAYS whose recovery was way, way harder than mine was. I can't imagine four days - by the time they told me things had changed and we had to do a c-section, I was like, yes please I am finished with this take the baby out.
@tracyqueen I would definitely not do that. I’m surprised they’re letting you go to 39+5 and not scheduling it for 39 weeks. My LO was breech and my OB—at one of the top OBGYN hospitals in the country—scheduled me for a c section at 39 weeks (LO ended up coming earlier). She also said if I had ANY signs of labor at all, I needed to come in right away. There’s a real benefit to having it scheduled in that you’re, well, scheduled. Whereas coming in unexpectedly means teams have to adapt, you don’t know what else is going on at the ward that day (how many emergencies or other planned c sections there are) and if you come in in labor, a breech baby can quickly turn to an emergency c section instead of the more relaxed scheduled one.

At least scheduling it gives you some sense of control, time to prepare, select your music, talk it through with your practitioners, and the doctors on hand know you’re coming in. I also wouldn’t risk my and my child’s life on the assumption that I “doubt” labor will be short and that I “should” make it in time.
@tracyqueen I had a scheduled c section for a breech baby in May 2019, at 39+2, and it was fabulous. I was actually in labor while they prepped me (nurses checking the monitor, “you realize you’re having contractions right now? And they’re 5 minutes apart?” Me, “yep.”).

They weren’t strong (I wasn’t in pain yet), but baby clearly wanted to be born that day.

Highly recommend. Super easy to recover from when it’s scheduled and not emergency. Even at 40 years old.

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