Boy is willing to brave extreme cold


New member
Just to see his gf. 16yr old boys are nuts. It's
-40c here (really damn cold). And he's trying to convince me he can take 2 busses and a train just to go to her house. This trip takes 1.5 hr. That doesn't take into account the waiting for late buses. Skin freezes in 5 to 10 min in this weather.

Not to mention he's coughing. Possible covid, stepdad tested positive. Rest of us are sick but testing negative.

Again teenage boys are freaking morons. And yes I refused.
@mbraun Yep my 16 year old is crazy too. Wants to walk or skate to work/gym/friends houses ect every day, even when the roads and sidewalks are slick with thick ice. I have to demand that I drive him back and forth to work.

My 17 year old is a totally different story. Even the possible hint of snow and she's ready and willing for me to drive her. (She usually drives herself but I'm uncomfortable with her driving when the roads are icy).
@garberse Normally, he's trying to get rides all the time. The only reason he's wanting to bus it is I'm sick and my car won't start. I wish he'd get his license.