Bottle aversion/no interest in food


New member
My baby is going to be 8 months old at the end of April. We have had a hard time feeding f her basically from 4 months on. The only way she will eat a bottle is if she is watching the t.v (we dont do a lot of t.v besides whwn we try and feed her).
We have tried feeding her puree food and every time we try she turns her head/if I get some in her mouth she doesn't really accept it. We had one good experience with food, but that's it. (Mind you this girl doesn't put anything in her mouth besides her hands)
The pediatrician states that it's probably from the nose aspirator that we were using when she got a whole bunch of colds when she first started daycare... we had to the poor kid couldn't breathe and suck a bottle. She says I shouldn't worry about the food until around 9ish months. She's on a hihe calorie formula diet now.. idk exactly what I'm looking for... has anyone else delt with this? Does anyone have any advice? Am I worring for no reason? I hear her stomach growling and she basically refuses the bottle. If I squeeze her mouth open she ends up sucking the whole thing down. She will go 6 hours without eating if I let her.

Apparently at daycare they say that she likes to eat food with her friends....