[Birth Update] Miles is here!

Quick update while he is out like a light (over an hour now!) and I am still on my post delivery high. ;)

Miles Alexander is here and perfect as of 1:53 MST. 😊 7 lbs even, 21 inches long. No epidural, didn't make a sound till 8 cm, pushed 2 min. They told me not to push, I told them good luck with that, and they had to page my doctor to run.

He's working on a good latch but we got it a few times. My huge boobs are making it a challenge, but they seem to think I'm a natural.

I bled enough to need a shot, but it stopped within a few hours. 2 2nd degree tears, a first degree tear, and a skid mark, but I am feeling awesome.

I feel like my feelings about labor are so much more processed and understood now. I rocked it.

My husband's face you guys. I bawled.

I will write up in detail before months have passed, promise.

Love and hugs- those good vibes worked.

I hope these pics work, they're blocking imgur.

@littlemelittleu2 Oh Val! I've refreshed reddit so many times today, and now I'm bawling with happiness for you. Not helped that somewhere over the rainbow is playing in the background here. (Seriously, no need for the extra feels here, thanks music channel)

I feel like I can retire from reddit today. This is the one update I have looked forward to for many months, and we're here.

Wishing all the love and happiness in the world to you and your husband. Welcome to the world little Miles- you're already very loved by your mommy and daddy, and a whole bunch of ragtag strangers all over the internet xxxxx
@littlemelittleu2 Miles Miles Miles!!! Oh sweet boy how we've been waiting for you, welcome to the world! Your parents love you so much :D

CONGRATULATIONS on your graduation Val, YOU DID IT! I'm truly smiling for you. Can't wait to read your birth story!
@littlemelittleu2 It goes without saying, but you know how eagerly I was awaiting this. Welcome, welcome sweet Miles. You are a hero today, Val.

I had to get up after speaking to you briefly on Facebook and go cry into my husband's arms. So much joy for you, so much hope for the future.
@littlemelittleu2 Oh, Val, this is the most wonderful news ever. Congratulations--- I am so thrilled for you guys, and beyond giddy to see this update. Enjoy your sweet little boy. Your husband's face by the way - pure joy and pride. Amazing photo. Xoxoxox
@littlemelittleu2 CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is so adorable, Val! I'm so glad it went well, it sounds like you rocked that labor! I can't stop smiling for you, I was so happy to see this update!!
@littlemelittleu2 Congratulations, he is perfect :) it makes me so happy to see this update after all your months of worry. You must be ecstatic. All the best for your recovery and enjoy that beautiful boy of yours!