[Birth Update] Miles is here!

@littlemelittleu2 Hooray was-once-due-date-buddy! Miles is just beautiful and the look on your husband's face...I honestly don't have words. There's so much conveyed in that picture.

Hearing you say you "rocked it" at labor just makes me smile so big. You have rocked it at so many things and I am super glad you are owning this all over the place. You're truly amazing.

The huge boobs thing definitely makes it difficult at first! And with my teeny tiny baby, I was convinced I was going to suffocate him under there or just lose him entirely. (He weighed about the same as ONE of my boobs at birth...eesh). But it definitely gets easier/better and soon the two of you figure out how to maneuver without any thought at all.

Swoon and love and enjoy and cry and dream and snuggle because...girl, he's HERE!!!!!

All the best and all our love to you.
@littlemelittleu2 Congrats Val! So happy for you and your husband. I was stalking your reddit account waiting for this amazing news. tears from this giant pregnant lady Wishing you the very very best with Miles.