Been drinking lean n poppin percs n I found out I was pregnant


New member
Pls no hate, I legit am on birth control and am safe. Being pregnant was not in the books I am young and in school. But yea I just found out I’m pregnant & I legit have been smoking weed, popping percs & sipping ratio. About 30 ml in a 2L almost every night for the past few months, I am only 5 weeks pregnant but still? I feel terrible idk if I’m going to go through with this bc I legit have been doing all the bad things. I haven’t found anything on this or online and I’ve been trying to research the impacts of it. Anyone else have this experience?
@mariay99 Okay so you're young and in school and have a little bit of a substance abuse problem - and are you wanting to have a child or what is the plan?
@mariay99 Stop using Percocet before you become dependent on it and become a statistic. I see fentanyl overdoses every shift I work in the emergency department. Get help now. And figure out if you want to keep your baby. It doesn’t seem like you’re in a good place to raise a child currently.
@warriors4him Yea. This pregnancy has got me to quit everything, even smoking weed. I have a appt booked for a medical abortion, but I still feel to bad to do anything even tho I have it booked if that makes sense. It just seems wrong to like smoke or anything while pregnant in my opinion. N I don’t plan on starting again once it’s all said n done
@mariay99 Very unlikely that any real damage has been done this early; you don’t even really have a placenta yet, baby is living off a yolk sac. So if you stop now, chances are good your pregnancy will be perfectly healthy.
But you absolutely do not need to continue the pregnancy, it’s completely up to you
@purchasedpossession 100% this!

It's okay OP. You know now, so stopping is the best thing for you to do if you want to go through with this pregnancy. Plenty of women that have accidentally used substances in early pregnancy go on to have completely healthy babies!

I know you didn't ask, but speaking as someone who has lost many friends to opiates (some casual users, some hardcore addicts), quitting while you're young and healthy will save your life. I'm 24 and used to do a lot of questionable things as a teenager (even just a couple years ago) but I stopped because I've already seen so many people leave this earth way too early.
@mariay99 I did the same things daily with a bad habit and I stopped when I found out at about 6 weeks pregnant. I’m 35 weeks now and no problems with my baby. Praying it’s a healthy birth. I am only taking Tylenol now for pain if I have any. Doctor took me off codeine too when I let him know it was a positive test