Been booked for a scan next week at 6+5, based on my LMP. I’m sure I will only be 5+3 though. Is it a waste of time?


New member
My LMP was 8th Jan. This makes me currently 5+5. I have long, irregular cycles, but I always get distinct, sore ovulation pain exactly 2 weeks before my period comes.

I had that ovulation pain 18 days ago and if I calculate my pregnancy based on ovulation date and not LMP it puts me at 4+3, not 5+5.

I’ve been booked in for a scan in one week time, as I have suffered several early miscarriages before. They’ve said they’ve booked it for then as I will be at least 6.5 weeks so it should show if the pregnancy is viable and that it’s in uterine.

If it help, my HPTs from yesterday and today look like this.

Is this a waste of time if I’m right about when I ovulated?
@arauca You can’t be sure of when you ovulated — ovulation pain can be before, during, or after ovulation. But if it was cd23ish, even if off by a couple days, you’ll definitely measure behind your LMP dating.

It’s up to you on if you keep that ultrasound — if you do, I’d plan to only measure 5+3 which could confirm intrauterine but not a lot more. If you haven’t had a previous ectopic, and aren’t having worrying symptoms, this isn’t as much of a concern.

If you go and are told you’re 5+3, there’s not a heartbeat, and that’s “behind” will YOU be able to mentally and emotionally understand that’s OK and you’re not behind? Even if they act like it’s dire? That’s the biggest thing.

Best of luck.
@dardan I came here to say the same thing.

This kind of happened to me with my last pregnancy, except it was an emergency room visit for horrific cramping. My lmp put me at at 6w5d iirc, but I knew it would be more like 5w5d. The er did an ultrasound and of course I was measuring behind. They told me to prepare for “fetal demise.” They even wrote it on my discharge papers. My husband kept reassuring me, but it got to me more than I thought it would and I wish I wouldn’t have went in.

I actually measured behind my whole pregnancy up until the very end and I failed to convince them that I had an idea of when I ovulated. I was induced at 37 weeks and when my babe was born, he had more trouble breathing than they expected, and they were finally like “huh, maybe he was only 36 weeks.”

All in all, it ended up fine, he spent a couple days on a nasal cannula and is currently sitting beside me eating a cracker.

All that said, (sorry for the novel), hopefully an OB will be more willing to listen to you about when you ovulated than an ER doc, and hopefully they won’t scare you too much unnecessarily. It’s up to you if you want to reschedule. I wouldn’t have, only because I was having other symptoms that made me afraid I might be having an ectopic.
@arauca If you didn’t do ovulation tests or track BBT, you can’t be 100% sure when you ovulated. Call your doctor and explain you think you’re farther behind and see if they’ll move it.
@arauca I would still go ahead! You can not be 100% sure when you ovulated and early scan is always better than late. They can atleast confirm its an intra uterine pregnancy and everything looks ok for whatever day it is.
@arauca I just had my first scan at 4w 6days and thought it would be a total waste of time but they saw a gestational sac and yolk sac. We wanted to make sure the pregnancy was in the uterus. I think just have realistic expectations going in and I am sure it will not be a waste of your time!