Be the Lame One

@celise I use this with my husband lol

Whenever any of us want to skip a social event, we blame the other that we can't go "husband wants to have a date that day!" "Husband wants this special food only I can make and has been hyped up for daaaaays waiting for it" "wife already has plans for us for that day". It works every time! I'll use it with LO too hihi
@celise We have that. They will snap me an x. Then I call and usually at this point ask if they fed their horse. They say no and I “go off” about responsibilities and I’m coming to get them. They are safe, it appears it wasn’t their fault and it weeds out the kids that are not the best influences.
@celise I don't know what 9 year olds do at their friends houses but surely they can just get a moment away from the crowd and send a text plainly asking to be picked up. What's the point in all the subterfuge?
@celise My mom and brother did this with me. My mom was visually impaired, but my brother got his license as soon as he was of age. So I would text my brother the code word depending on urgency. And he would know if it was just I was uncomfortable or if I felt unsafe.

I remember one time I was out and a guy would not leave me alone. Kept trying to touch me and stuff. I think I was 16. So I CALLED my brother. And five minutes later he and two of his friends showed up. Imagine 3 guys all six foot and taller, averaging 225 lbs walking in the door. I ran to them, and his one friend took me outside while my brother and the other friend "rectified" the situation.

My daughter is 5 right now, but I make sure to keep an eye on her and what's going on. She knows she can come to me if she doesn't like what's going on. There have also been times when she's just given me a look and I call her over to get her out.

Trust starts early. Let them know you have their backs.
@celise I did this for my daughter the whole time growing up. She is in a different state for college now and STILL uses me as an excuse 😂 I love when I get the message that if she calls to ask about something just to say I'm not comfortable and prefer she doesn't.
@celise I’m almost 30 and I still use my mom as an excuse to get out of stuff. The only difference from when I was a teen is that now I bail her out, too! 😂
@celise I once asked my mom to ground me from the phone because an exboyfriend who I was still sort of friends with would call and berate me after about 15 minutes of niceness. My mom said she wasn't going to ground me and instead when he called next she answered and told him I was grounded.
@celise I always tell my 13 year old to use me as an excuse. If I ever hear her say, “my parents won’t let me” and it’s something I definitely would let her do, I immediately know what’s up. I am totally okay being the “annoying” parent if it means my child knows they can get out of an uncomfortable situation.