Baby V is a healthy... [18+3 Anatomy Scan!]


Ladies, I think my gut knew, I really do. I kept trying to prepare myself that it might not be a girl for a reason.

Baby is super perfect otherwise, anatomy scan looked 100% - as the MFM doc said "for now we can say things are as good as we are able to tell they are." Dude is very into not making any promises.

But I am super relieved anyway.

The big news is, tomorrow we decide if my due date will be changed. Little dude is measuring 10 days ahead, and was 11 oz today! So my due date may be moved back to the 17th of Jan, which means induction around New Years! Mega line jump, if that's so! We'll see. :)

Little guy is lying across my stomach, with his head on my right side and his feet on my left, just above my hip bones.

Husband took the sex reveal hard. There was crying in front of the doc. He was so, so set on a girl. It's going to be a rough day on us both.

We'll need to go through the nursery and box up Zoe's things, and there is a lot of clothing to buy. I am not super strict on the gender specific clothes, but everything was hot pink and covered in glitter and I'd at least like to avoid confusion.

Tonight we'll finish calling family and go out to dinner to celebrate healthy dude, and I think I will suggest a side trip to Target for a boy outfit.

We'll process. Healthy is awesome. :)

For the record, Zoe looked like my husband, but this guy looks much more like me! Hubby is already talking about when to try for number three, but I told him I was going to need a break. Guess we'll see what life holds.

Hugs to all of you for your good vibes!
@littlemelittleu2 I've been looking forward to your update all day!

First of all, congrats on your boy!!

Second, I know you know this but it's okay to be disappointed. I feel like in your case you're having to mourn Zoe all over again. I know you wanted a girl to give you some insight into the girl you lost, and right now, with this baby, you're not getting that. You should absolutely mourn that.

Having to buy new stuff for your little guy will help. Little boy stuff is soo cute. (How cute would a little New Year's tuxedo be?!) Your husband, once he's grieved, will start thinking about all the boy stuff he gets to share with your son and it will get him excited. And you are absolutely right, the best part is you have a healthy baby!!

Also, you mean so much to this community! We're right behind you!!
@littlemelittleu2 Congratulations on a beautiful healthy boy! I hold your happiness together in tension with what must be a very difficult reality to move through.

You and your husband are such rockstars - your love for Zoe is so all-encompassing, it makes me rest in the security that great parents exist, even in the midst of the heartbreak that comes with it.

Big, big love and hugs to you both.
@littlemelittleu2 It's OK to feel disappointed for a bit...but you know and recognize that healthy, happy babies of any sex are the best :)

I honestly think a boy will be good for you both in terms of forging a new identity as parents instead of always thinking "what if?" about Zoe. It'll be, perhaps, a little easier ultimately to grieve what was and celebrate what is as two separate things.

In the meantime, congrats on an awesome scan...and I'm so happy and excited to hear all about the preparations for your little man :D
@littlemelittleu2 I read your story and I just cried my eyes out. I lost my little girl at 23 weeks pregnant and I'm now 25 weeks and having a boy, too.

I'm so upset by the gender as well and it was a harsh reality to face but I knew in my heart this was my little man. I'm starting to feel much better about it. I'm so so terrified I will lose him, too.

Go out and buy little man clothes. The little girl clothes will make you cry but eventually you will start to feel better. hugs
@littlemelittleu2 First of all, congratulations on your healthy little man!

Second, I echo what a lot of other posters have said - it's OK to be disappointed. Your love for Zoe is so, so palpable even to me - a complete stranger on the internet - and I can't imagine how hard it must be to now be having a son instead of the daughter you and your husband hoped for. But I hope with time you both are able to be just as excited about the little man. Buy some little guy clothes and think about all the things your husband loves to do that you'll get to teach your son.

@littlemelittleu2 We went through the same thing when we found out the gender this time- We lost our little Leila Louise at 27 weeks in December, and now we're expecting a Dexter Jesse in November. We were both crestfallen that he wasn't a girl, but we've moved past it and we're just happy he seems to be healthy and on track.

ETA: We ended up selling the pink pack n play and other very very girly things and used the money to replace them with more gender neutral items.
@littlemelittleu2 A beautiful healthy baby boy!!! Aw I am just so happy for you guys, I teared up reading this. I totally understand the gender disappointment, hoping for a little girl after losing one and ending up with a cute little dude. If you ever want to chat about it I am here for you. :) I will say that now I am super psyched to meet my little man and I can't wait to be a mommy to a boy but I didn't feel that way at 1st. Hugs to you!
@littlemelittleu2 Ahhhh I'm so glad everything went well on the scan front. Those pics are awesome!!

Of all people, you and your husband have plenty of reason to feel gender disappointment, but I'm sure that as time passes you will both grow to be excited for a little man to grace your presence.

As with everything else on this journey- it's all about time xxx
@littlemelittleu2 hurray for good scans! i was coming to check in on you today and see if you had a update! a boy! that is super exciting! a different adventure then you were hoping for, your husband will come around to having a boy, as long as he is happy and healthy super squishy hugs!!!
@littlemelittleu2 This makes me so happy!!!! Not the sex, but the healthy part, and MFM giving you a thumbs up. I know the different gender might be kinda hard right now on you guys, but remember - healthy, active, measuring ahead. GOOD things!! =)

@littlemelittleu2 Congratulations on your healthy baby boy!

My husband has had some major gender disappointment this pregnancy. He's not good with change at the best of times, but he really, really wanted another little girl. We have a 20 month old, and my husband has 2 younger sisters. All female cousins. He feels like he has no idea what to do with a boy. Part of it is that he always imagined having 2 little girls, and that dream dies when you find out it's the other gender. I imagine for your husband, he saw this as a second chance at being a father to a little girl. And for now, that's gone. My husband is still not ok that we are having a boy, even at 31 weeks. To be honest, I don't think he will be until the baby is here. And that's ok. I mean, it bums me out, but I know for sure, when the little man is here, he'll fall in love all over again and our little guy will forge his own personality and he'll be perfect.

Anyway, very long winded way of saying, it's ok for both of you to feel however you feel, for however long you feel it. Don't feel like you have to hurry to get over your disappointment, it's fine. I promise you, it will evaporate for both of you when you are holding your little guy safely in your arms. I imagine that will bring up a huge range of emotions too, but just know that it's all going to be ok.

I've said all this very ineloquently, but I'm thinking of you, and i'm so happy you have a healthy baby cooking in there :)
@littlemelittleu2 Congratulations on the healthy little boy! That's very exciting. I'm sorry about the gender disappointment though. That must be really rough. A trip to go buy a boy outfit sounds like a great plan, though! I'm sure that spending time picking out new things for this little one will help you bond.
@littlemelittleu2 Aww congratulations :) That is the cutest nose ever!! Sorry your husband is taking it a little hard. Lots of emotions to process...but he will come around in time. Definitely treat yourselves to a little boy outfit for me, lol. There were so many cute boy things at target I wanted before we found out we were having a girl!