Baby to her own room at 10 weeks?

@jul1a We strapped the chicco next2you cosleeper in the bedroom and half of our bed/matrass/my husband to another room. During the week I slept next to baby and in the weekend I stayed in the other room only doing BF at night. This way we both had some more restful nights and I could drift off tonsleep after BF with baby safe and close enough to give the paci/hold her hand /rub her belly if needed
@jul1a We moved our preemie at 12 weeks or so. He slept much better, so did we. Also, since he did wake up 2 times at least for food he was never there for longer than 3/4 hours, and we just checked on him before we driften off as well.
@jul1a We moved our kiddo around 8 weeks because he was so loud! He slept so much better in his own room. It was like night and day difference. We had a Nanit video monitor and we were on the other side of the wall.
@jul1a My LO was born at 33+0. Came home at 36 weeks. Made it to 38 weeks and she was in her own room. I just wasn’t sleeping and it made it better for me.
@jul1a For the few weeks we bed shared prior to getting our Snoo, using the Owlet gave us peace of mind. It monitors baby’s pulse ox and heart rate. It’s not a perfect device but it helped us feel we were bed sharing as safely as we could.
@pupscout Former Preemies should never bed share as an infant and consumer products such as owlets should not be used as a crutch.

Owlets are not medical devices and even medical devices approved for pulse ox have a lot of research showing they tend to overestimate oxygen levels.

A bassinet or pack n play, or in the case of a family with limited funds a dresser drawer can be emptied and removed from the dresser and put on the floor.
@jul1a OP I’m so sorry, my LO went through this too, and finally turned a corner around 10 weeks. The sleep deprivation is unreal. I think this is to be expected in the ‘fourth trimester’ though.

I got her more and more used to her next to me crib by slowly increasing the amount of naps she had in there. I could easily reach out with my arm to comfort her if she stirred. I also placed a hot water bottle in her crib for a minute prior to putting her there, and once she was over 4kg I used a sleep sack. Both of these helped.

For her main sleep overnight I would contact nap with her for a few hours at a time, change and feed, then back to contact napping. My saving grace was my mum and MIL, who came over during the day while she was awake so I could take a 3 hour nap, and my husband who took over the majority of household chores, cooking, laundry etc so I could focus on the baby. I’m EBF so I pumped so I wouldn’t have to be awake for feeds during those times.

Now, she sleeps beautifully for 3-4 hours at a time at night between feeds, happily in her next to me crib. She’s 13 weeks so it only ended a few weeks ago, but it feels like a lifetime ago!

Hoping your LO turns a corner soon. ❤️
@jul1a Things to look at. Where is the bassinet in relation to the heating and cooling vent?

Move the baby into their own room.

Get your baby monitor set up, get your alarms set up if you still need to feed at certain intervals.

It's much safer for the baby to sleep in their crib in a separate room, than it is for you to cosleep with the baby in your bed or to fall asleep in the rocking chair holding them.
@jul1a I had 2 preemies (one at 31 weeks and one at 29 weeks). My first born was in a crib in his own room by damn near his due date. He was just so loud (preemie grunts are no joke) and he woke us up, that in turn woke HIM up.... it was better for everyone.

My second stayed in our room a bit longer, but not by much because HE was the bassinet wasn't the right size fairly quickly. All is well. Do what's best for your family.
@jul1a We booted the twins to their own room at about 8 or 10 weeks.

Note that these are kids #2 & 3, so not our first rodeo.

We have the baby monitor so we can hear them, but if they were in our room, eveey little shuffle and snort woke us up
@jul1a My baby slept in her crib since day 1 in her own room. I only did that because that’s what I always saw growing up - neither side of my family used bassinets in the bedroom.
@jul1a My Twins honestly just at 9 months old got switched to their room . They didn’t start sleeping throughout the night until baby A -7 months and B - 8 1/2 months . Up until then they were sleeping with us because they too did not like their pack n plays would keep waking up! They would sleep better and a little longer sleeping with us. I too did not care for co sleeping but it just got to a point that with dad working nights and me getting up with 2 newborns and pumping just became too unbearable so I gave in to the co sleeping . However if you feel your baby is sleeping better in her room and own bed I would go for it. Like you stated you can set up a monitor or camera and get you some sleep girl !
@jul1a My twin B came home on his due date and slept in my room for about 6 weeks. Twin A was older when he came home but he only slept in my room for one (miserable, very sleepless) night before i yeeted him down the hall to share with his brother. They were both noisy sleepers and they kept me awake when in the same room as me even when they were completely asleep. Their own room with a baby monitor was ideal for us because I didn’t have to hear all their loud baby sleep noises but I’d wake up immediately thanks to the monitor if either of them cried.
@jul1a Ours lasted 4 days until I moved her to the hallway outside our bedroom door. And then a couple more days until she was in her own room. Nobody got good sleep when we were all together, and that was terrible for all! I’d do it the same if I had to do it over.

Also, sleep training. Progressive cry-it-out / Ferber method. It takes willpower but it worked with all three of our kids. The third night of training with our preemie is when it clicked for her.
@jul1a Just my personal two cents, but I’d definitely bedshare at this age over having baby is a separate room. Currently bedsharing with the second kid and it’s a lifesaver. There are save ways to bedshare - look up the safe 7!
@valko One of the biggest rules of safe sleep 7 is full term healthy baby. Preemies will never fit the safe sleep 7.
I'm not judging, just informing, I bed shared with my little boy from 4-6 months for a couple of hours in the morning myself.
@danielz I get it. However, from what I’ve read, it gets safer once the baby is healthy, over 40 weeks, and doesn’t have sleep apnea.