Baby to her own room at 10 weeks?


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Y’all are my only good “mom group” and since I’m hyper concerned about everything because she was a preemie, I thought I’d ask here. When did you move your baby to their own room. My girl has never really taken to the bassinet and sleeping at night is a total nightmare to us all. She was born at 31 + 2, is 1 week adjusted & it’s not getting better.

Right now, I’m sitting in the rocking chair in her room, she’s in her crib, I have her sound machine on and she’s asleep. It’s a miracle. She started crying so I offered a pacifier and she took it and drifted back off.

I know AAP recommends room sharing for 6 months but I just don’t think we can make it that long. Too often her crying because of the bassinet has devolved into bed sharing and I just don’t want to do that anymore for everyone’s safety.

We have a baby monitor that we haven’t set up yet but could, and I may truly think it would help us. Of course it would mean I would have to get up to feed her at night but I’d be okay with that for better sleep.

What do y’all think? I’m desperate here.
@jul1a I think at this age whether baby is with you or not they're going to cry and need you. It's whether you want to be comfy in your bed or not while settling. Even babies that sleep well will wake every 2-3 hours for a feed if not more at 1 week old.

I'd personally keep baby with me longer, its proven to lower the risk of sids. Could the crib fit in your room or even a spare bed for you in with baby?

At the end of the day you have to do what you think works best for you and baby though! Sleep and mental health is super important for both of you.
@danielz Contact naps were life at that age. You are in the trenches right now- your babe is 1 week adjusted meaning they are in every sense a newborn.
I have twin girls born at 30+1 and we did not room share in the traditional sense. My husband and I treated our bedroom as an oasis and did shifts. I would sleep 8P-2a in our bedroom while my husband stayed with our girls in a separate room with them in a bassinet. My shift was 2a-8a. I exclusively pumped so I recognize shifts may not be feasible for someone who breastfeeds. It was still an exhausting few months but our set up allowed us each to get some dedicated shut eye, babes included.
@danielz The baby doesn’t sleep at all in the bassinet so she’s just up crying every 15 minutes. In her crib in her room she’ll sleep pretty soundly until it’s time for feeding. The crib can’t fit in my room, unfortunately.

I know she needs me, that’s no problem. I just don’t want to keep resorting to dangerous bed sharing to get just a little sleep, ya know?
@jul1a I’ll add a different perspective to some of the other comments. I had twins born 33w4d. Home around 38 weeks. We couldn’t sleep at all with all the sound they made. So we loved them to their own room probably within the first couple weeks home like…maybe just at their due date early.

The recommendations is for SIDS prevention. When a baby is in their own room there’s the possibility for them to sleep too deeply which is a sids risk. In your room they will hear your movements and won’t slip so deeply into their sleep.

You’ll have to make your own decision. I personally felt just fine with my husband and I doing shifts. One slept on the couch just outside their room with a monitor to respond to any needs and the other parent slept in bed. This worked for us but might not work for others.

Congrats on your baby!!
@faye58 My twins were also born at 33+4, came home at 36 weeks, and we moved them to their own room about 10 days after they came home. They were soooooo noisy. I have a 16 week old singleton now and she’s still in our room, she’s a silent sleeper.
@jul1a Can you get one of those cribs where one side comes down, so many is safe in their crib but you can have your hand on them.

They’re called “Next to Me” or maybe Next2Me here in the UK. Other similar things available.
@jul1a My son wouldn’t sleep in a bassinet but the second we got one of these he slept soundly. It attaches to your bed like an extension of your mattress. We used the bassinet for downstairs/day time so it wasn’t a complete waste
@jul1a 2 years old 👀
I had the opposite, baby just didn’t want to be alone! We all did best sleeping in the same room. I probably wouldn’t move her out so early unfortunately. Can you set up a temporary bed in her nursery while she sleeps in a crib? We went from side sleeper bassinet to a mini crib next to our bed. Then we bed shared as he got older and now he’s 2.5 in his own room. He does call one of us in at some point during the night but that’s why we got a full size bed!

Good luck!
@elissanjuice Haha, us too! Kiddo was in our bedroom until a few weeks after his 2nd birthday. Then we moved him into his room and a big kid bed all in one fell swoop. We still bedshare from time to time (either in his or ours) but we've only been at it for a couple of months and I don't mind. When we first brought him home, we bedshared while working on bassinet sleep and then moved to the crib in our room. It's just what worked for us.
@jul1a Is there a light or sound difference between the rooms? There might be something they find comforting with their room and not yours.

My baby was born at 25 weeks and she was in the NICU for 6 months. Because of that, she was very used to ambient light and noises from machines. She slept better when we had a sound machine going, and when her vent was right next to her (she came home on oxygen). Strangely enough, she also liked it more on the cold side (but still dressed warmly). Basically, we had to make a mini NICU environment.
@jul1a I'd see if a spare mattress could fit in the baby's room; that way LO can stay in the crib and you have the ability to room share for a while!
@jul1a my baby is still in my room at almost 2 years in a crib. But it is because she still wakes up throughout the night and it's better to handle it at the source than wake up the whole house (she has an older sister who is 7). We do everything to sleep train, but she's never been a good sleeper. My first we moved at 6 months, but she was sleeping like a rock and still does.