Baby needs to gain weight but won't eat

@jahncrish I have 3 words for you,” Baby led weaning”. If he doesn’t want to eat, so be it. Let him get his nutrition from milk. Once he’s ready he’ll show interest in food you’re eating. Till then just offer for fun but don’t force him and don’t show him YouTube to feed him.
@balletgirl A bit of a problem here--he wont drink the formula either, and since he's already low in weight it's probably not our best alternative...but thank you for commenting anyways
@nicole198 Well, before he started eating food he would take at best 6 ounces of formula. As of right now, in a whole day he drinks in total 22 ounces, which i'm starting to think is not enough.
@jahncrish that's probably because you're feeding real food that's quenching his hunger/thirst before formula- i think you'd want it to be the other way round, so he fills up on something with tailored nutritional value to a baby. formula is much more nutrient and calorie dense than most foods- he's not going to lose weight because he drinks more of it
@jahncrish So one thing that happened with our kid was that we were offering the milk whenever he was crying. So he would only drink a little and then scram to the next thing he wanted to do.

We sleep trained him and along with it gave his milk consumption some structure so it happened roughly around the same time. That helped consolidate this milk a lot.

Every kid is different though so I fully understand how this may not work for everyone, but giving it a shot is helpful. Just don't give up after a day. Let the kid settle into the new routine.

Hope this helps and best of luck.
@jahncrish The liquid base for his 'soup' should not be water basically anything that's a liquid going in should be formula.

Mix peanut butter formula and rice cereal.

Mostly up that formula still, you guys sound like your starving him. He should have at least 4 big bottles a day at 8 months. If he is not taking it make sure it's warm enough
@jahncrish Omg sorry to say but this baby is being raised ALL WRONG. You should be blending organic carrots and sitting that on a plate and letting him eat/explore with spoon and hands.

He can also eat mashed up avocado

Mashed banana

Mashed potatoes

And mashed sweet potato…. He should NEVER watch YouTube or tv. This is HORRIFIC for his brain development.

He probably doesn’t like the food he is eating.

My baby is 3 months and she is breastfed. Formula is terrible but unfortunately it’s too late for that now.

My baby will be trying food at 6 months and it’ll be strictly vegan diet until she’s 9-10 months.
@angelbaby1977 Not everyone can breast feed, I wasn't able to and my babies thrived on formula so that's a bit of a blanket statement.

To OP babies should still be getting most of their nutrition from milk at 8 months whether formula or breast. It sounds like baby may have become confused by being offered food they don't like. I would switch back to formula mainly with food offered in between as practice rather than nutrition.
@shusterman Everyone CAN breastfeed. The nurses will push formula on moms. I know they tried to push it on me. My milk wasn’t coming in and baby was crying and also had weak latch due to tongue ties. I finally got baby to latch properly and milk eventually dropped. I’m so glad I never used formula it’s terrible and you also miss out on bonding with baby that you don’t get with formula. I’d never give that junk to my baby. It’s also proven fact that babies breastfeed get less sick then babies fed formula.
@angelbaby1977 There are far better, kinder, gentler ways to advocate for breastfeeding than this, assuming that is what you are trying to do. Demonising anyone who can't breastfeed (no we CAN'T all do it), and branding formula as junk is wildly unhelpful.

Let's lift each other up as mothers, yeah? Fed is best.
@angelbaby1977 What are you? A troll?

Formula is not the enemy. It's a great alternative for breast milk if the mother for whatever (even wishes) reason can't breastfeed. That's what it was created for.
@angelbaby1977 You've been a mother for 3 months now and you think you know enough to declare what is right or wrong? Especially as the kind of topics you're talking about don't even have a solid factual base with a conclusive answer one way or the other. E.g. your mush exploration Vs proper solid-food based baby lead weaning, or TV Vs no TV (a small bit of TV has been shown to be highly beneficial. But too much? Who knows)

Formula is terrible but unfortunately it’s too late for that now.

Formula is the opposite of terrible. It, along with Borlaug wheat, are single handedly responsible for raising the nutritional and calorific intake across humanity. They're literal God sends in some communities. This dogmatic approach of "Formula is terrible" goes against the medical guidelines of the health departments of almost every single nation in the world.

My baby will be trying food at 6 months and it’ll be strictly vegan diet until she’s 9-10 months.

Yeah, good luck with that
@ericc Thank you for commenting, I was actually a little nervous about responding to that advice because it seemed a little like they were screaming at me through the phone lol. Now, I really wish we could do baby led weaning but i'd say is a lost cause as he's veeery disinterested in nutritious food, so we don't want to risk it. About the TV, we only put it on when he's eating, so maybe 40-45 minutes a day? I'll try to keep in mind that it's bad for his brain development and talk to my mom about it.
Now, I really wish we could do baby led weaning but i'd say is a lost cause as he's veeery disinterested in nutritious food, so we don't want to risk it

The main thing about BLW is simply giving them "proper" food, rather than puree/mush/masehd stuff. e.g. You can start by giving them un-mashed bananas, for instance (just cut them or split them into 3). Maybe he's not interested in all his food being soup or mush? :)

I'll try to keep in mind that it's bad for his brain development and talk to my mom about it.

The biggest problem is that it's a distraction whilst eating. But currently it's required as a crutch to help him eath. Depending on the program a small bit of TV will be good for the brain development, as it will have faces and colours and sounds etc.
@jahncrish Does he like the baby food pouches? My baby was lower in weight because she didn’t like the jump from milk to all the different strange textures. We gave her purées and she loved to hold the pouches herself. Then later we slowly introduced more solids.