Baby Names


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I feel it’s easier to ask stranger than family/friends for baby name opinions. We are having a baby boy in a few weeks. We already have another son beginning with the letter B, and both myself and my husband begin with a K. My favorite contenders in order are as follows:
1.Cambell Jay (CJ or Cam)
2. Benson Thomas (Ben)
3. Morgan Jay (MJ)
4. Brady Thomas

Will it be weird if we are all a hard “C” consonant and my other son isn’t?? Is Cambell (yes, I dropped the P) too weird and won’t work as an adult? I feel I’m stressing too hard about this but my first son’s name was an instant yes and we never gave it a second thought. Thank you everyone for your input!
@katrina2017 They’re all bad. I’d choose Morgan, if I had to, but I’ve met Morgan’s and it sometimes gets shortened to Morgie by other children and Morgie doesn’t feel boyish.
@aniko Cambell is pretty terrible. He will constantly be dealing with spelling errors. My brain wants to pronounce it Cam-belle which makes it feel feminine too.

Campbell is fine. Benson, Morgan, and Brady are nice. I prefer the latter three by far.
@aniko I will never not think of the soup when I hear Campbell. Or think it’s someone calling someone by their last name. Def don’t think of it as a first name at all. Also you shouldn’t worry at all about your other kids name when naming this one. I never understood that being a consideration for people, they are different kids, treat them as their own individuals.
@hyde273 Agreed- Campbell is my dad's middle name, it was my grandma's maiden name. I don't think it's a terrible middle name, but I wouldn't use it as a first name.