Baby just hates everything


New member
2.5 week old daughter and if she’s not sleeping, she’s crying. Even when she breastfeeds she frequently whines and stirs around and pulls away over and over. Won’t take a bottle, won’t take a pacifier, doesn’t like when I sit down but also doesn’t love when I’m standing. Sort of likes a swaddle but always breaks her arms out. Won’t lay anywhere (swing, rocker, etc.) for more than 3 minutes without crying and HATES the car/stroller. I feel like the worst parent. Why is she so unhappy constantly?? I have a 5 y/o and 9 y/o too and they were never like this. Im trying so hard to do everything “right” with this one and it just seems like I’m doing everything wrong. I can feel the postpartum depression setting in 😔.
@breatly my baby was exactly like this from 2-7 weeks or so 😭 now she loves the stroller, smiles all the time and we are best buddies. some babies just have a really hard time from two weeks onwards for a while. hang in there, it does get better even though it doesn’t feel like it and you’re not a terrible parent.

if you feel like she is in some type of pain definitely get that checked out. but i’ve heard it over and over how 2-8 weeks is the worst with some babies 😅
@sebastianebilly At least there’s hope! My other 2 were just so much more chilled out and mellow. I could actually get out of the house and run errands, etc. so this has definitely thrown me for a loop. I do think she’s developing reflux so that may be the culprit. Thank you for your kind words!
@breatly Get a zip up swaddle like a Love2Dream or a velcro one like SwaddleMe. So much more effective than swaddling with a regular blanket and much harder to break out of.
@breatly Some babies are just Like That unfortunately, or she could be uncomfortable for some reason. Reflux is a common one, allergies also. Temperature maybe? You can consult your pediatrician and try fiddling with all the many variables, but earplugs and noise-canceling headphones are also your friends when the screaming is incessant and inexplicable.
@breatly I had one like this. He was miserable. Barely slept. Cried all day every day for 6 months. Once I stopped trying to do everything right my mental health was much better. He grew out of it eventually and is completely happy as a toddler. Both of mine had reflux so that’s something to look into as well! They can have it without the telltale signs.
@breatly Depends on where you live and what your doctor is into. My second baby made us figure out what was probably wrong with both of them- we tried a pepcid like prescription and it didn’t work, now he is on a proton pump inhibitor and it’s super hard to find and very expensive but it was life changing.

The sad thing is we only figured it out with the second one because he was a “happy” baby so it was easy to see him completely change behavior after eating. The first one was so screamy all the time we didn’t ever think it was something related to digestion.
@bertolsmith omg i could’ve written most of those myself! hope he’s doing better, I can’t imagine dealing with this for weeks and weeks to come 😫😓. I wanted so badly to not be pregnant anymore and now some days I wish I could stick her back so she’d at least be happy!
@breatly If your breast feeding cut out dairy. It might help and no risk. My baby was like this with a dairy allergy, blood in poop didn't show up until about 3 weeks
@breatly Same, but then realized it was gas. Squirming because tummy hurt. Won’t take food because it’ll just make the tummy hurt more plus uncomfortable. Little remedies gas medicine and moving her legs in bicycle motions while laying down helped her a lot as well. Hope your little one gets better, poor kiddo. :(
@marazion she definitely has a lot of gas and belly discomfort. We’ve tried some gas drops and different exercises but I think Ill call her ped Monday to see if we can get to the bottom of things. Thank you!
@breatly Poor little one. Something that I’ve read has helped a lot, is the Fridababy Gas and Coloc reliever. It worked for my SIL as well. We just felt scared using it since it felt invasive. But heard great things about it and was an instant problem fixer.