Baby is constantly constipated


New member
LO is 3 months old next week and poops every 3 days the problem is on the third day he doesn’t want to eat and then the cycle repeats.

We’ve tried massages, prune juice, using probiotics, he gets a warm bath every night.

It’s very concerning to us to the point where we want to switch off of Bobbie gentle formula. It’s 6 o clock and he’s had 7 ounces total.

We combo feed (breast milk but mostly formula) he’s been on this formula since the beginning but I’m noticing thanks to this sub this is happening for others too.

Has anyone had luck with kendamil organic or if not what did you switch too?
@dropdwhite We just switched from Similac 360 (blue) to Similac Sensitive (orange) and he went from pooping in almost every diaper to pooping once in 24 hours. My husband has done the rectal thermometer trick and nothing comes out so it doesn’t seem like he’s constipated but we’re concerned refgardless. Have you tried that trick?
@3rdeye We can’t usually put him down unless he’s going in the car he screams at us. We rarely use carriers or swaddles (he hates them). His diapers are fairly loose as well.
@dropdwhite You can try mixing in some Enfamil reguline. It worked wonders for my first child who got constipated from formula. I’m going to have to do the same with this baby because we having been transitioning from breastmilk to Bobbie gentle and he’s started to struggle with his poops
@dropdwhite I dont have an answer to your question but somebody on another post mentioned if you massage your babys tailbone (coccyx) for a few minutes it helps with constipation. I believe they did a circular motion? Id never heard this before and looked into it, apparently it worked for some reddit folks. Ive logged it into the back of my mommy brain for future use. Maybe it will help!
@dropdwhite It’s so baby dependent, but ours didn’t like Bobbie but does great on regular old Kirkland. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Have you tried probiotics? I think they help a ton! We use the Mylicon ones.

ETA: I believe Bobbie doesn’t have any prebiotics in it which could be plugging them up!
@tmm99 We do use prebiotics I did some light research and we are just using culturelle calm and comfort do you have any recommendations or anything in your findings?

I just read this on Bobbie’s website that there are no prebiotics or probiotics!!! I do love their formula but do wish they would have them in there :( Kendamil does have it so we might switch to that.
@dropdwhite We started on Bobbie regular and had constipation issues so we switched to the gentle and he still wasn’t pooping right but it was definitely better than before. I couldn’t stand the bobbie gentle slate green smelly poops. We’re on Byheart now and have a poop every day or every other day and no straining at all. We tried Kendamil goat and Aussie supreme inbetween the bobbie regular and gentle, but my son also has moderate reflux and both didn’t work for him.

ETA: I will say 3M was hard for us because I don’t think he knew how to push yet. We’re now 6M this week and everything is slowly getting much better. We tried the pear juice but because of the reflux it just came right back up. We also used the cheap version of the Frida windis on amazon and they helped a ton release trapped gas and get the poop moving along. We used the biogia drops when on bobbie because it didn’t have the probiotics.
@dropdwhite We dealt with chronic constipation and would sometimes do pear juice directly mixed with formula and sometimes alone (I believe dose is 1oz per month of age). But what really helped was switching to a hypoallergenic formula due to CMPI and malabsorption - specifically nutramigen. Other HA made the constipation worse.

It could be formula brand dependent.

Eta: this was after juice or Karo syrup stopped working, probiotics, massages, rectal thermometer, and him dropping from 75% in weight to 25% in a month due to not absorbing any nutrients
@dropdwhite For the meantime you could try the Frida windi gaspasser (or generic ones off Amazon). When my guys is constipated, I do them after having done a bunch of bicycles and all that, then I use the gaspassers. It often takes a couple of tries for me to get everything out, often it's just gas at first. You hold the feet up toward the head, and leave it in for quite a few seconds until you hear gas escape. If no poop comes out, do some more bicycles and massage, then try again. You can very gently move the gaspasser around a bit - this is usually where I start noticing my baby grunting and turning red like he wants to poop. Sometimes a little bit comes out here. Then I repeat the whole shtick again until his poop comes out. Or until I've tried too much and he's getting grumpy
@dropdwhite Unfortunately, I’m completely not helpful but I sure hope you figure out a solution. My three year old was the same way and we’ve just potty trained her. I won’t say it was more or less difficult but my girl loooooves (lol) to hold in her urine. Will hold it in until it hurts but she doesn’t have accidents. Her PCP said she sees that a lot with her patients with chronic constipation (correlation between constipation and UTIs). She explained it’s like she knows that pooping hurts so she doesn’t want to pee more often just in case she has to unexpectedly poop and she doesn’t want to go through the pain.