Baby B loss


New member
I have mixed feelings šŸ„ŗ, I went to my OB 2 weeks ago and we saw baby A And baby B moving we even heard their heartbeat, this week we went to the perinatal center for the first screening we were so excited about it and we found out that baby B stopped growing.

What we canā€™t explain and the dr didnā€™t believe is that we saw and heard the HB of baby B 2 weeks ago, baby B measured 8w 3d, and 2 weeks ago measured 11w, and she literally said, IT CANā€™T BE, NO! THIS HAPPENED WEEKS AGO, After that she said, Iā€™m so sorry!!

The way she said Iā€™m sorry really made me so so angry. Last year we had two miscarriages and with this pregnancy that we conceived naturally I really thought that god was sending back those two angels.

Iā€™m so glad and thankful baby A is growing, Iā€™m really scared and Iā€™m checking its heartbeat at least twice a day. We have 2 boys already, but we really want this baby with all our hearts.

I still find hard to believe this.
@luckyavalon1989 This happened to me around the same time. First scan baby B had a heartbeat, second scan she did not.

Baby A is now 14 months and thriving. I still wonder all the what ifs daily. I still grieve baby B. Itā€™s so hard.

Iā€™m a message away if you want to talk to someone who can relate.
@luckyavalon1989 This happened to me at almost the exact same time in my first pregnancy. Baby A is now a beautiful and spunky 6 year old.

Just something to think about moving forward if you plan on doing genetic testing, the ā€œvanishing twinā€ as itā€™s called (which I always hated) can impact genetic testing results.

Take care of yourself during this time. I always felt like I ā€œshouldnā€™tā€ grieve because I had another baby to be thankful for so I stuffed a lot of feelings down for a long time. Grieve however you need to. Hugs to you and your partner!
@luckyavalon1989 I'm so sorry for your loss.

We had something similar happened to us.
I did want to mention that your NIPT or genetic testing results may come back a little conflated, If you haven't done them yet.

For us, we did the genetic testing and it came back 95% positive for trisomy 21. This obviously worried us quite a bit. They recommended doing amniocentesis later on in the pregnancy if we wanted to be sure.

It was kind of a long 2 months in between the two things.

Later, we did amniocentesis and the test for trisomy 21 was negative with the amniocentesis.

It's possible that something similar could happen to you so I wanted to mention it in case you also got some worrying results.

@hilbrand Thank you, we did NIPT at 11 weeks and got the results 5 days before going to the perinatal center, everything was low risk, and also got the gender. So everything looked good so far, I donā€™t know what happened, and why the dr told us that baby B stopped growing weeks ago and didnā€™t believe us that we went to my OB 2 weeks before our appointment with her and everything was OK
@luckyavalon1989 Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this. The doctorā€™s reaction was definitely not helpful, you didnā€™t deserve that. You donā€™t deserve any of this.

Wishing you health for the rest of your pregnancy. Youā€™re going to have a beautiful child to add to your family šŸ’œ
@luckyavalon1989 So sorry for your loss. The only positive I can see out of it is that you have a little saint watching over your baby for the rest of their life. And theyā€™ll watch over all of your family too. It really is a blessing, as twisted as it seems.

Not an easy situation to deal with as a family. Grieve it, cry a lot, handle it as best as you can. Youā€™re going to make it through it, but you donā€™t ever need to stop praying for your lost baby.
@luckyavalon1989 I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't understand what you said, though. The baby was measured 2 weeks ago by two different doctors and the size they saw was different, is that it?
@melanie66 Yes. When I went to the OB, they both measured 11 weeks, when I went to the perinatologist I was 13 weeks, baby A measured 13 weeks 2 days and baby B measured 8 weeks 3 days.

And the doctor didnā€™t believe us, and she said we loss baby B weeks ago.