Baby’s preference


New member
What are y’all doing about your babies that prefer face flat to your chest?? I have an 11 week old that weighs 14 lbs and only contact naps so I baby wear her a lot in my moby wrap and my husband wears her in a Lille baby complete. I feel like I’m constantly fighting to get her to turn her head so her airway is clear and visual but after a few minutes she nuzzles back down with face flat to my chest. She also prefers to shove her hand in my armpit whenever she can so maybe she’s just weird but l would love for her to not suffocate.
Any one else? And what did you do to stop it?
@tierras My second baby is a mouth breather who uses a pacifier, and I basically gave up worrying about it because I could always hear her snoring. I’d try to move her head whenever I was convinced she was deeply asleep and position it better, but it was not a battle I was going to win every time.