Away from my baby


New member
I gave birth almost 7 weeks ago, 4 weeks ago I had a D&C. Now I ’m in the hospital again. I have a bad infection and my fever keeps sky rocketing, dr can’t figure out what it is. It’s going to be day 3 that my baby and I haven’t seen each other. He’s home with dad and grandparents . I’m worried that he will feel like I abandoned him or will forget me or feel disconnected. I’m afraid to miss out in this days. He’s going to be 7 weeks tomorrow and he just started smiling more. I am scared to bring him to the hospital because I’m worried he’ll get sick.
@anthony1013 I was hospitalized for almost a week when my baby was 4wks old. My husband and baby stayed in my hospital room the whole time. Baby did not get sick at all. All the nurses were thrilled to walk in the room and find a baby (we were on the med/surg unit). Maternity gave us a bassinet to use and visited us daily to make sure we had diapers and wipes.
@stu80 Most hospitals are super supportive of having babies with their mothers. OP should bring baby to the hospital. It’s boring for a little one but if you have family to help make it fun, it works out.
@christlivesinme29 The hospital I had my son at is a super religious one so I’m sure they’d make me bring my baby in. They’re really strict on wanting breastfeeding.

Nice to know that’s an option in case I ever end up in the hospital. I wouldn’t know who would watch my son!
@anthony1013 I went through a similar separation due to medical complications after the delivery one week after my baby was born.

We were moved from the mom-and-baby wing to the surgery wing, and although the hospital could accommodate the baby (bassinet and pump, etc), during our stay it was infectious disease season and it was highly advised not to bring a 7 day old into that wing. We decided to keep the baby at home.

It was tough on my mental health and the nurses were well aware of the separation. They provided updates on when infectious patients were discharged if I felt comfortable bringing baby in for a visit. They also arranged for me to have an outdoor privilege one day so my boyfriend could meet me in the outdoor garden with the baby for a visit.

I went 10 days without my baby, with the exception of one short outdoor visit. I understand the guilt of being away.

Discuss with the nurse manager your options for visits. They may be able to accommodate.
@anthony1013 When I was readmitted to hospital, my husband would stay with baby all day and then go to my parents to sleep so I could at least rest (I did not). See if they can accommodate your family
@anthony1013 I also was readmitted to the hospital 6 days after NY delivery. Baby couldn't stay with me while I was getting checked at the ER, but once we were moved to L&D floor again, baby and my mom was able to stay with me and my husband would stay during visitors hours. They provided bassinet and pump. I wouldn't be able to stay away from her, it was too overwhelming just the thought of it.
@jemstone Yeah I was in med m and baby for 3 days but I kept getting fevers up to 102.5 so I couldn’t possibly take care of him properly. My husband ended up bringing him in on the 3rd day after I had a surgery and he started with me until discharge. Baby is the best post op support.

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