At what age is it safe for baby to bedshare with others?


New member
My baby is 9 months old. I’ve read the safe sleep 7 and bedshare with him every night. At what age is it safe for babies to sleep with an overnight caregiver who’s not the parent(e.g., grandma, aunt, friend)? He’s walking already and I honestly feel ok if they wanted to bedshare with him to make it easier when he wakes throughout the night. He’s strong and I don’t see much risk as long as they’re sober.
@addx5544 I don’t bed share and didn’t breastfeed so I can’t speak from experience. However, I just went back and read the safe sleep seven info by La Lech League. The website says “by 4 months any responsible adult can safely bed share as a responsible breastfeeding mother.” I think in any situation like this you have to evaluate your comfort level and the other adult your considering.
@addx5544 Usually it's suggested after 4 months, but I started bed sharing with my baby and my husband at 6 weeks old out of desperation to survive the nights. We have a king size bed and we used my pregnancy pillow to make a barrier so that my husband didn't go anywhere near the baby. It worked absolutely fine and everyone slept great. Baby is now 1 year old, healthy, happy, and thriving.

Doing it earlier was the right choice for my family and we don't have a single ounce of regret. In your heart, you'll know what's right for you too.
@addx5544 I co-sleep in a separate room to my partner because his snoring frustrates me when I’m already in light sleep/being woken up. In the night when I need a break from cosleeping I wake him up and he sleeps on the floor bed with my 10 month old. He is a very restless/heavy sleeper but says when his with baby he doesn’t move. I’ve watched him go into the c-curl instinctively and can confirm that he is very aware of our baby. Gives me a few hours of sleep alone!
@addx5544 We always stick to two years. Risk is basically non existent at that point. But thats no one in the bed so I don't know if that works for you.