Another mom told me I have a fat a** today


New member
This is crazy and I can’t believe it actually happened!

I was at the children’s museum today with my almost 2 year old and my 2 month old. Just getting out of the house is a huge endeavor these days with 2 under 2 but my daughter loves the museum sooooo much so we try to go often. My daughter was feeding a pretend horse a pretend carrot and having the best time. An older child, nearly twice her size ran up and pushed my daughter down and took away her carrot.

Now normally I’m a go with the flow kind of parent. I don’t get upset with kids being kids but this child was at least 6 years old and should know better. This was not an accidental bump either, it was a two handed push and take. I told her very sternly, do NOT push and give my daughter back the carrot. She ran off. A second later this lady approached me and told me to not speak to her daughter that way as she doesn’t understand. I told the mom she needs to watch her closer then if she doesn’t know not to push small children. The mom’s response floored me!

“I’ve been watching you and your fat ass is knocking down kids left and right”

What the hell? Who says that to another adult, let alone anybody? I know I don’t have a fat ass (it’s the only part of me that didn’t grow during pregnancy lol), but to say that in front of a bunch of children?!? She then told me not to mess with her or her kid again. I ignored her at this point which seemed to infuriate her more and she kept talking smack and started telling other parents that I was rude to her kid and mentioned my “fat ass” another few times. I gathered my daughter up and we left, my daughter was in tears because she wanted to stay longer.

What would you have done in this situation? I honestly could’ve never planned for something like this, it just seems so absurd!
@sakura656 At first I was like “YAS! Love a compliment!” But then I read on.. and fuck that bitch.

Some people get SO defensive and haven’t learned to regulate their own emotions yet. So when someone corrects them they resort to throwing an adult tantrum.

It is hard going out with littles. I’m sorry she ruined your outing. She’s just upset her daughter acted like that and that she was actually called out for it. Dont give her anymore thought.
@katrina2017 I also thought it was a compliment! “Awwwww moms being nice to each other that’s the best.”

Sorry you had to deal with this person, OP - sounds like it had little to do with you. But still sucks nonetheless.
@sakura656 You did everything right. I can't believe she started complaining to other parents. I would have been floored if I was a third party in that situation. Hopefully, I have enough sense to say I don't tolerate name-calling.

But you did great. She doesn't sound stable.
@kimosabe2019 So I think she was “chaperoning” for a school event and the other mom s were moms from school as they seemed to know her. And I use the term for chaperone lightly as when we were leaving, she was sitting on a bench scrolling through her phone.
@sakura656 Oh wow. If you know which school, you could call and let them know what happened. I’m sure they would prefer not to have someone like that “chaperoning” on future trips.
@lifethatwins As a kid, my teachers would always start every field trip with a spiel about how if we aren't on our best behavior, the museum/ zoo/ whatever would not have us back again. So the school may take this seriously if they get a call from the museum about their chaperones making a scene...
@kimosabe2019 She thinks she was getting other parents on her side but in reality she was just announcing her rude ass. Seriously if another random adult came up to be complaining about another mom's "fat ass" I would think she was incredibly weird. Like okay good for her???

OP I wouldn't spend anymore energy on her, I think that's enough information to know what kind of person she is.
@sakura656 “Who says this to another adult?”
The kind of person whose raising a kid so badly her six year old doesn’t know not to push a kid and take toys.
That lady sucks.