Am I just with the wrong one?


New member
I (29 F) have an 8 year old son from a previous relationship that really messed me up about kids already (getting left as soon as i found out i was pregnant and was left by the father, was together 5 years)

I have been with my makeup/breakup boyfriend (32 M) for almost 3 years. Not sure if I just really don’t want anymore kids or if I just don’t want kids with him! I’m turning 30 this year and am really trying to get my crap together and pick a fork in this road!

Ps. My anxiety deff comes from being Abandoned again, and having to be a single mom yet again with another man. Logically my brain says “only way to make sure we don’t go through that again is to have no more kids!” But there is also another part in me that wonders could the experience be so amazing with the right person ☹️ before my son, my biggest dream was to have a baby, now I think of babies and kids and get so turned off

Thanks guys :’)
@paulcolbert I don't know, that's a tough situation all around. The fact that you call your current boyfriend makeup/breakup makes me think either he's not reliable or you two just aren't super compatible (I definitely could be wrong though!). Do you think he is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with? How is his relationship with your son? Has he indicated that he wants/is ready for children? Have you two talked about long term goals like living together, marriage, and kids?

I think your answer to these questions will affect my opinion on your situation.

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