After the NICU issues?


New member
Did any of your kids have long lasting issues after the NICU.

Specifically those of you whose kids needed surfactant?

My son was born 34+2 (OG thought to be 36+2) and needed two rounds of surfactant. He was intubated for 5 days and spent 2.5 weeks in the NICU.

We’ve been home for about 2 weeks and he has been doing tons of grunting every time he gets laid down. I thought it was from gas but then we noticed some retractions while laying on his back. We got sent in for an x-ray today and now I’m just waiting for any word on what the heck is happening.

Anyone have this happen? Know anything about why he’d be grunting and retracting especially while laying on his back?

Mostly I’m just looking for some support I think. I’m absolutely panicking and reliving that initial crash he had on day two of life.
@travelor65 I’ve had 2 premie babies (33 & 28 weekers) and both have been very “grunty” babies! It’s especially common in premature babies, both of mine grew out of it after a few weeks but it sure is awfully noisy especially at night. So I don’t think there is anything wrong with your baby per say, but always good to get it checked incase. If you search for other posts in the forum you’ll see lots of parents have the same issues when they bring their babies home initially.
@travelor65 The grunt is likely normal (preemies do that), but it's great that you guys did an x-ray. If there's an issue you'll know quickly.

If it comes back clear and everything is fine, take a video of baby's chest while he's breathing normally (both awake and during sleep, no clothes, just in his diaper.) This way you'll have it to compare if/when you feel he's breathing weird, retracting, etc. This can be useful because our preemies can have weird breathing patterns on account of their special circumstances.

For example, my daughter (she was very early) always looked like she was retracting but it was just her weird chest shape. She never did breathe any weirder than usual.
@travelor65 My son had some retractions the first few days home from NICU & had at least two doses of surfactant early on & he’s breathing normally (when not sick from being in daycare), the most social little guy & his pediatrician currently doesn’t have any concerns developmentally (almost 11 months). His uncle (my 33 yo BIL) also had surfactant when he was in the NICU when it was still experimental (I believe given by the Dr who invented it) & he’s a highly successful, intelligent & charismatic adult; however, with a very mild form of epilepsy.
@travelor65 I’ve had 6 preemies between 31-35 weeks the only one who wasn’t really grungy was my 6th. All the others were super grungy for a good while. But all grew out of it and have gone on to be healthy and you would never know they were born early.