Afraid to workout now


New member
TW: possible miscarriage

So I recently found out I was pregnant but had sudden bleeding and had a scan the next day, which couldn’t confirm the cause. At the scan I was only 5 weeks +2 from my LMP, but measuring 5+6. I’ve a further scan booked 14 days later to confirm if the pregnancy is viable, as they said at 5+6 they’d expect to see something in the yolk sac.

Anyway, I hadn’t worked out for around a week after finding out I was pregnant and then on Monday evening did a leg day (usual squats, RDLs, KB swings) but lowered my usual weights due to some fatigue.
I then started bleeding very early the Wednesday morning.

I haven’t worked out since Monday and honestly (even though I love it and it’s what I need to do for my mental health too), I’ve been scared to workout. I know it’s not something that really causes miscarriages, but I’m terrified of it maybe being the reason I was bleeding. So I keep avoiding working out.

Just seeking some reassurance that it’s all fine for me to workout, and to try to encourage me to continue, regardless of what the outcome of my next scan is.
Sorry for the essay.

Update: thanks everyone. I will contact my doctor in the morning, as this seems to not be as simple as me just seeking reassurance that I can workout. Thank you for your well wishes
@jesus4life1 I’ve had three miscarriages and am now nearly full term with my fourth pregnancy. I was super cautious and stopped or greatly altered my workouts for my first two pregnancies, only to lose them in the first trimester. My third pregnancy I ran a half marathon at 8 weeks, only to lose that pregnancy a few weeks later. I didn’t alter my workouts for my fourth pregnancy either, until the bump forced me to, and it looks like this will be my take home baby. I’ve even set lifting PRs throughout my first and second trimesters this time.

There is really no correlation between working out and miscarriage unless doctors recommend pelvic rest. As long as you aren’t hugely ramping up your workouts the activity level won’t cause a miscarriage.

At the end of the day it’s really up to you to decide which you’ll regret more, working out until the scan and finding out that this pregnancy may not be viable, or not working out and finding out the same. With my third pregnancy I would’ve been very disappointed to miss out on my race only to lose the pregnancy shortly after. I trust that I would’ve lost that pregnancy whether or not I ran my race, so I don’t regret that choice.

I’m sorry you’re in this limbo, my first loss was a MMC so I empathize with the weird state of mind waiting for those scans can put you in. Take care of yourself and know that you’re not alone your experience, no matter what the next scan shows. ❤️
@jesus4life1 Hi friend. These early early miscarriages/chemical pregnancies are caused by an embryo that’s not genetically viable. I had many early losses that I tried to blame on doing jumping jacks or not resting or whatever, but the truth is that they were going to be losses no matter what I did. Talk to your doctor and prioritize what makes your brain and body feel healthy. Also these very early scans are so stressful. Wishing you good luck and hope you get some clarity soon.
@mmdave3 Agreed, I read that something like 90% of early miscarriages are related to chromosome abnormalities. And I believe a good number of the remaining 10% are related to smoking tobacco.
@jesus4life1 I was in a similar boat recently. I started bleeding pretty heavily at 11 weeks (after an intense workout, first one in a month because of morning sickness) and they found no cause at the ER. I saw my doctor later that same week and they found a polyp and placenta previa and also said no intense workouts or lifting. I didn’t start lifting again until 20 weeks and I’m 23 weeks. At 20 weeks is when my polyp was gone and my placenta moved away and the doctor said I have no restrictions anymore. Weeks 11-20 were the worst depression of my life and it finally faded when I started going to the gym again.

I think it’s worth waiting to see your doctor who can determine the cause of the bleeding. Maybe try calling them and asking for their medical opinion about continuing workouts?