Advice/Tips for switching to formula?


New member
Hi, I’m 5 weeks postpartum as of yesterday, currently pumping about 90% of the time, breastfeeding the other 10%. My daughter was born via c-section 3 weeks early to avoid pre-eclampsia, if that matters at all. Since she was born early she had a tiny mouth and therefore had a lot of trouble learning to latch properly, and as that has gotten a little better over time, she still just doesn’t stay latched very well or seems to get frustrated that a breast is not as easy to get in her mouth as a bottle nipple. Which I feel is my fault for putting her on bottles just to make sure she was getting enough food. When I feed her from the breast she almost immediately spits up, I’m constantly in pain and sick of pumping and washing pump parts on top of bottles.

All that to say, I am heavily considering switching 100% to formula due to simply not wanting to breastfeed anymore. My mental health has taken an absolute nose dive since bringing my girl home from the hospital (and while I was in the hospital if I’m being honest) and I just don’t think I can do this anymore. I want to enjoy this time in her life, but I’m spending a majority of my day thinking about pumping or breastfeeding, when I’ll need to pump again or trying to plan out her naps so I can pump again or wash pump parts.

I’ve reached out to her pediatrician for formula recommendations and to ask if they would rather schedule an appointment to discuss it and am waiting to hear back, but I’m wondering if there is anything not so commonly thought about or known when making the switch to formula? Or just general advice to make the switch easier on her?
@bkgray02 Do not be afraid of generic formula. My son had to move to Hypoallergenic formula and we started with Nutramigen, then moved to the Up&Up brand from Target. So much more cost efficient. And my son liked it better.
Your pediatrician might also be able to give you sample cans!
@bettering The Up&Up brand is actually the one I’ve been looking into the most. We have gotten a bunch of coupons for Similac though and I’ve been wondering if it’s a process to switch between brands once those run out or if I should just start her on the generic?
@bkgray02 Start on the generic! We did that for only 1/3 kids and I wish I would’ve done it with our second as well. It would’ve saved us a lot more money! I was always afraid of switching what they had from birth in case they didn’t like the new one. My daughter got Similac in the hospital but we switched to up&up at home with no issues. Best of luck!
@bkgray02 I found that even with the coupons Up&Up was still cheaper! Although you could mix it…. I had a bunch of Nutramigen cans and I would mix it with Up&Up (50/50) so that my baby didn’t really notice a difference AND I was using those brand name cans that I already had.
@bkgray02 If you’re mostly pumping, I’d start by just dropping the nursing sessions. Do a mix of breast milk and formula in the bottles and then change the ratios until it’s all formula.

In terms of weaning from pumping, there are a bunch of ways to do it. I dropped to 3-4 pumps a day, took sudafed (the good stuff behind the counter), and was able to drop all my pumps in less than a week. I was sore and my boobs hurt, but I took Motrin, wore a bra 24/7, and iced my boobs.

Your comment about thinking about nursing or pumping really hit home…my mental health got really bad because I felt like it took up most of my waking moments. I’m really glad to tell you, from the other side, that its so freeing to never have to think about your boobs. If baby is hungry, you just…make another bottle. No stress about milk supply. I’ve read SO many books in the last few weeks, and planned out my training for a half marathon later this year. I feel so much more like myself.

Good things are ahead, and you and baby will thrive!
@pulickalbrothers In my research I have seen the “mix of breast milk and formula” option but I wasn’t sure how that worked. For example, she’s drinking 4oz of milk per feed right now. Do I just make an ounce of the formula and 3 oz of breast milk and slowly increase like you said? How often should I increase the formula amount?

I have a bit of a supply in the freezer but my supply has tanked the last few days for some reason so I’m nervous about not having/making enough to do the “replace a feed with formula every few days” method.

Edit to add: I’m so excited to be able to read again! With pumping and washing and prep there’s just no time so I’m excited to hear that I will be able to get some of my hobbies and interests back!
@bkgray02 If she’s only 5 weeks just switch. It may take a few days to adjust but she will be ok. If you have extra pumped you can mix half and half then just totally switch over. Go with a standard formula. Enfamil neuropro, Similac, whatever is easiest to find.
I will add another comment here to say I purchased gripe water drops and Frida baby windi things just to have on hand in case the formula causes her any issues, is there any other products or things that i should look into?