Advice on Baby Monitors?? (X-post from babybumps)

Hello Predads!

I have been tasked with finding a baby monitor and it is a bit overwhelming looking at all of these different models. I really want to get a top of the line one as I plan to use it for this baby and hopefully another :) Can any of you please recommend some or let me know some to definitely avoid?

Thanks so much!
@youreachristianman95 Just a minor suggestion in case it's applicable:

If your dwelling isn't too large and you're not an extremely heavy sleeper consider not using a monitor. You'll likely hear the baby making a noise even if you don't have one.

If you haven't considered it I might suggest having the kiddo sleep in your room for the first few months anyhow in a bassinet or a pack and play with a bassinet. Getting up every 2 hours is a lot easier when you don't need to trek across the house/hall to the baby's room.

We went without a monitor easily. The biggest thing with having one is that it'll kind of keep you awake, or wake you up when you don't need to wake up. The little ones will wake themselves up multiple times in the night and won't always need help falling back asleep.

Consider it, or at least maybe try and go without it for a little while. If it seems like it's necessary at any point just pick up one at your local big box store that fits into your budget. Honestly, they're glorified walkie-talkies ;)
@linkb I concur. We have a monitor and haven't used it except maybe once or twice while in the shower. My son is 4.5 months. We are considering starting to use it soon though, now that he will be moving into his own room soon.
@linkb I hear you guys. We will definitely have the baby in our room for the first few months probably. I think for our peace of mind we will get one, but I really wasn't thinking about the fact they the baby will be in the room for that long... thanks!
@jimmykiff That's what I am looking at now. A few people have suggested it. I just don't understand where you put the movement sensor thing... its it just under the sheet? Also it looks like the sound monitor and video monitor are one thing. Is that true or are the separate? Where did you place yours?
@youreachristianman95 For the sensor pad you put a thin piece of wood on top of the spring thing under the mattress...put the sensor on that and then the mattress over that. It all shows up on one monitor. You can turn any aspect on or off. Infrared camera is automatic. You can move the camera or zoom in from your handheld monitor.

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