Adult gymnastics!


New member
I am 17 weeks pregnant and joined my local adult gymnastics team!! C R A Z Y.

It's actually gymnastrada, so I'm very happy to have the opportunity to focus primarily on floor work and strength building and not bar work or rings. YET.

Now, before anyone starts warning me - one of my coaches is 8 months pregnant. She is excellent and aware and has all the adaptations for me. My own medical team s supportive but we aren't being risky. This is my second pregnancy so I know what to expect (as much as one can).

I'm excited to build my gymnastics body over the next few months. It's a competitive team, so in 2023 I'll take my two kids and my partner and head to Worlds. My main focus is to learn the choreo and seriously just work on flexibility and strength until I can't anymore and the baby comes.

I'm going to look through here for some good upper body workouts. I just wanted to share the beginning of my journey!!
@ttown Did you do gymnastics in your youth? Is it something any adult could join, or do you need a background in it? I ask because I tried to join a funsies pickup soccer league and was turned away for having never played before
@servantleader The team is specifically designed for all ages. I did rhythmic gymnastics as a kid, but was so little I don't remember much. I do have a little bit of adult dance u Der my belt which makes me feel ok about the choreo, but really, I have no experience. Last class I was like "Excuse me. What is a round house? Round out?" I still don't know what they were talking about but I think they meant fancy cartwheel.

Finding beginner adult classes for things like gymnastics and dance is really hard. I find more often than not I've been in adult classes with amazing dancers who just aged out, so have been dancing forever, OR it's a bunch of dance moms whose kids finally convinced them to take a class. It's pretty hilarious and very fun. I think there is a real desire for high quality beginner adult classes for all kinds of things. Like don't blame me that I didn't have the chance to learn this as a kid! It's not my fault!
@ttown This sounds so awesome and I would NEVER have the discipline/guts to do this. I feel so self conscious when I don’t know how to do things, but I’m jealous of your will to do this!!
@camcraw I'm in Western Canada, so if that sounds close to you send me a DM! Otherwise check out r/adultgymnastics. It's small but there are some cool people in there doing cool stuff!