Accidental pregnancy on BC!


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Hello. My husband (29 y/o M) and I (26y/oF) had a wonderful baby boy together after a year of trying last August. I’ve been taking my birth control religiously since my 6 week appointment. Same time, every day, I’ve never missed a day. Well last Thursday I took a test as I’ve been having some pregnancy-similar issues. IT WAS POSITIVE. I don’t even know how to feel. I just felt like life was calming down. We’re still enjoy our 6month old. With the economy going the way it is I have no idea how I’m going to afford another baby. We also have a 6year old who is very physically special needs so I can’t work outside of the home as I’m constantly taking him to doctors appointments, therapies, and to the hospital. I’m shocked and overwhelmed. My husband is willing to support whatever decision I make but I’m finding it impossible to make one. I never thought this would happen. My husband is already so stressed about money and god I can’t even imagine what his mother would say. I can’t sleep because this is all I can think about. The idea of ending the pregnancy makes me breakdown in tears. I don’t think I could go through with it but I don’t know how to come to terms with another baby and then also knowing it’s a child my husband doesn’t want.
@mariangel I think the reason that no one has commented yet is this is such a personal decision. All I can say is that you’re not alone, women have to make this challenging decision every day, and whatever you decide is right for you is ultimately the right decision.
@mariangel I feel your pain! I have 3 kids and my youngest is special needs. Having a special needs child is extremely difficult and all consuming. I'm actually pregnant with my 4th right now and didn't think I'd have anymore. I'm due in May and I know it's going to be difficult, but I would not change a thing. You can do it! Please reach out to me if you would like to talk!
@christianwalker I had mine in December of last year. Although I would of had a set of twins in 2020 if my bc didn't cause me to lose my two possibly 12 week Olds. I didn't know, I only got one period, and that was 12 weeks ago, and the last time I had sex and blood lasted not even an hour. with that bc ever, so no one thought it was possible. Not even my gyno. I never stopped taking the bc. At any moment of time. If I knew earlier. I would have stopped, but all tests were negative, then boom a strong ass positive. Went to my gyno two hearts. Gonna get an ultrasound. Didn't make it to the ultrasound. Miscarry badly