Aaaand I have another f-ing abscess


New member
So, I'm convinced my mouth is trying to kill me.

I had my 2 abscessed teeth pulled 2 1\2 weeks ago. All was well, mouth didn't hurt and seemed to be healing great. Then, on Monday I busted a molar on the 'good' side. Chewed for the first time on the recently pulled tooth side and was met with instant pain. Swelling came a few hours later.

Yesterday, I looked in my mouth and had what looked like newly formed gum tissue in the extraction hole. I just barely touched the side of my gums with a q-tip and oral lidocaine and had white/yellow pus and blood shoot out, hit the mirror, then spill out of the hole. I sucked and spit, sucked and spit, repeat...until there was no more active bleeding then rinsed with peroxide and used a q-tip to clean out the hole. Still hurt, but I thought it was due to it just popping. Hoped that was the end if it.

Last night the pain turned hellish, and woke me up at 3am. Looked in the mirror and it looked like I shoved a golf ball in my cheek. Swollen from under my chin, up to almost my temple, cannot open my mouth more than an inch or so. When I smiled, I looked like the Godfather. Drove myself to the ER. Thankfully, it was the same Dr I saw last time I went in 2 weeks ago. Abscess under the tooth beside a recently pulled one and an infection in one of the extraction sites.

10 more days of antibiotics 4x a day. Prescription NSAID for swelling and pain. Fml.

I don't know why my teeth all just started turning to shit. I don't use drugs, just an antidepressant and blood pressure medication. I don't drink, I quit smoking cigarettes a year ago. I brush and floss daily.

I'm beyond frustrated.

Edit - auto correct changed q-tip to 1-580. I have no clue what a q-tip is. Sorry for any confusion.

Edit 2- First edit changed 1-580 to q-tip. Wtf autocorrect?
@tipulovesonali I think some people just have shitty teeth. Maybe it's genetic.

My teeth are crap. I've had more root canals than I can think of. I only have 1 crown but I have a lot of dead teeth that have fillings.

Last year I broke a tooth on a piece of chocolate. It took 5 visits to the dentist to deal with, 2 of which were those half mouth deep cleaning. About a week after it was all done I started having pain in the other side of my mouth. Turned out I had THREE abscesses. 1 in an old root canal and 2 others and they were all right next to each other. The pain was worse than an unmedicated birth. It took them two days to get me seen by someone who would fix them without just pulling them. They gave me all kinda of prescription pain meds and even doubling the dose didn't touch the pain. It was awful.

Anyways. Now my top teeth are yellow and shitty because they're dead inside. But I can't afford fake teeth so there they sit. It's both of my front teeth and of the ones next to it. And the one behind the canine is the one that got a crown. And one of my canines needs a crown too.

But my parents both have shitty teeth too, and I don't think it's because they didn't take care of them. My parents are smart people who take hygiene seriously. So my theory is I just have genetically shitty teeth.
@tipulovesonali I have spent a lot of time thinking about going to Mexico and getting all my teeth filed down or whatever and fake ones put in permanently... Costs thousands but I know 2 people who have done it and now they look like new people. But I can't come to terms with literally no real teeth left, for some reason. Plus I don't have 10k sitting around.
@pauljc We should start a group of BroMo's who want to go to Mexico to get our teeth fixed, make a vacation out of it. I know a few besides myself who'd probably be down for the
@tipulovesonali This is my plan! I told SO that he better start saving up because eventually we're taking a 2 week vacation to Mexico to get my teeth pulled and spending the time recovering on the beach. My teeth have always been terrible thanks to genetics, both my mom and grandma had dentures by the time they were 40. I'm 30 now. :-/
@nonebutall I'm 30 also, and ready for dentures but can't afford them. My husband is 36 and just had his uppers done about 3 weeks ago. I'm jealous of his no more abscess/pain and perfect white smile, even though he was a huge baby during the healing process. But still, I'd take a week of pain if it meant no more after that.
@tipulovesonali Sorry you’re dealing with this! My co-worker was just complaining about a similar situation and she was just in agony last I worked with her. I brought her some clove essential oil (no I’m not one of THOSE people, I swear) and she said it really helped with pain. Everyone I know that has had these sorts of issues takes really good care of their health. It’s nothing you did or didn’t do. These things happen. Hopefully the antibiotics work quickly and you feel better.
@kshell Clove oil did nothing for me. My mom insists by it so I was all for it. Nothing. Didn't even numb an uninfected area. The ER Dr did give me a bottle of oral lidocaine, both this time and last. That stuff...I'd buy it in a dark alley in a rough section of town. It is awesome.
@kshell It can be genetic. Most of my family have had bad teeth. I had mine replaced very early. Never did drugs in my life. My dentist asked me about my parents and when I told him he said, its probably genetic. Oh and clove oil is best thing I have ever found for tooth pain.
@saisigh Years ago, when I saw a new dentist for the first time, I told the hygienist about my neurological disease and having been on meds to treat the side effects since I was around 10.

I asked what could cause the horrid state of my teeth and the snooty bitch said "Poor hygiene and life style". Not even 5 minutes later, while cleaning my teeth, she asked "Have you taken a lot of medications in your life?" I told her "yep, for my neurological disease and it's side effects...I just told you this.". She responded with "oh, well..yeah. I can see the lines and damage on your teeth from them!" Reason #476368875 why I don't like dentists.
@tipulovesonali I have shitty teeth - it’s clearly genetic. I take good care of my teeth - I have an electric toothbrush, I have regular cleanings and always have. Never smoked. I have had all my teeth filled.

My husband on the other hand... tobacco as a teen, rarely gets his regular cleanings, sometimes he doesn’t even brush at night (gross), and he’s had like 4 cavities ever.

Highly recommend an electric toothbrush - hygienist has nothing but praise since I started using it. You can get an entry level sonicare for like $30 on Amazon.
@bunnycloud You are so lucky!! I'm seriously envious of people without dental issues. I had my 1st abscess, which ruptured, blew out the side of my gums, needed extracted, and a spacer placed to hold up my other teeth when I was 9.

I was one of those kids who took fluoride in school, brushed twice a day and never tasted pop till I was a teenager. And the dental gods still shunned me.
@tipulovesonali You could try a few things that I've been told help. I broke part of a back tooth last week, but I'm currently refusing to go the dentist like a 2 year old. Try Listerine, not the fruit flavored one though, they are sweet, twice a day. Try sensodyne pronamel toothpaste, and get a water flosser if you can. It helped my mom and her dental issues. Just some food for thought.
@tipulovesonali We are the unfortunately souls who have been blessed with shitty teeth. Growing up, I always brushed/flossed/mouthwashed, but still had dozens of cavities, root canals, etc. When I got into my 20's, suddenly my teeth started breaking and I started getting abscesses. About 5 years ago, I ended up getting all of my back teeth pulled and had implants put in. It was the best decision I ever made. Yes, it cost an arm and a leg, but not having to deal with that pain anymore made it worth it. I hope you get some relief soon!
@tipulovesonali Fuuuuuuuuuck.

And I am now praying to the Tooth Gods that even though I have shitty teeth from years of drinking far more cokes than are good for anyone and a bad habit of nursing said giant ass coke for HOURS, that in their infinite wisdom they will never see fit to punish me with an abscess.