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My poor 9 year old got adenovirus (Adenoviruses are a group of viruses that can cause infections. Adenovirus (add-eh-noe-VY-rus) infections can happen in kids of any age, but are more common in babies and young children. Most kids have had at least one adenovirus infection before)!

He then gave it to my 7 year old which sadly has a weaker immune system. Everything started last Tuesday 1/23 and it is now 1/27. My 9 year old got over it within 3 days, and now only has a lingering cough (thank goodness). Right now it’s PEAK season for it. It’s not your common cold, it’s not your flu, it’s not just a measly fever, it’s EVERYTHING COMBINED!


eye redness and pain (sometimes this is a hit or miss)
belly pain
frequent peeing, burning pain while peeing, blood in the urine

Adenovirus can also cause -

bladder infection
meningitis and encephalitis

When to take your kid to the hospital? Well. That depends on your kids age.

Also, this fever lasts what feels like forever. And being kids, their tummy hurts. They don’t want to eat or drink anything bc the smallest of things will hurt them. And guess what? It spikes even more when they’re asleep! I mean, all fevers do but this? It spikes even more wilder.

What can you do as treatment at home? Well. OTC Tylenol basically. And keeping your kid hydrated is the most important. Antibiotics won’t even help it UNLESS it’s developed into something more serious.

Moms dads grandmas grandpas aunties uncles friends and more, please watch out. How to avoid? Your basic hand washing and just you know. Germaphobic stuff. But is it REALLY avoidable? Probably not, unfortunately. If your family can avoid it, i am so happy for you and i wish you remain the healthiest of the healthiest. And for all the families that are going thru it or have caught it, bless our families.

Good luck everyone.
@jaymes I got it last year. No one else was hit that hard but I was out of commission for a week and almost had to go to the hospital. Worst illness I’ve ever had.
@mickaela I have no slept since posting this and honestly I’m contemplating on taking my son to the hospital later if his fever doesn’t break. I know they’re just gonnna give him Tylenol tho and watch his oxygen levels. Ugh. Poor babies
@jaymes I would go with Motrin instead of Tylenol. Tylenol lowers glutathione levels which will make it harder to recover. Give immune boosting remedies and foods. Hope you guys feel better
@stamperben420 Ah good to know. Unfortunately he doesn’t want to eat anything at all. Not even soups. He will drink water though. He isn’t dehydrated so that’s a plus. He has been living on yogurt, milk and water. Had half of a banana this morning so that’s a plus! Still, fever is 100-103 through out the day.
@jaymes Aww poor guy. Digestion takes a lot of energy from the body, right now his immune system needs that energy so that’s why his appetite may be low and that’s ok. When he’s up to it he’ll eat. Don’t stress it. He might like a spoonful of raw honey. If you can find raw honey with propolis it’s great for immune support. That and elderberry. Seems like he’s well hydrated though. If you’re worried about that when you get home, coconut water or cactus water is great. You can also put a grain of Celtic salt in his water. Lots of trace minerals there
@jaymes Adenovirus is just a very common group of cold viruses. Every human has and will get them many times throughout their lives.

It’s a new thing to be concerned with which virus or variant you’re infected with. It doesn’t change the treatment to know this information.

Fearmongering about everyday viruses is unnecessary.
@jessp And to piggyback off this, though it’s months later… for kids who are 2 and younger or immune compromised, it has a 50+% mortality rate because it’s often misdiagnosed as a common cold and people are sent on their way. So no— no one is fear mongering anything. Lots of people bounce back, yes. But that is not a realistic scenario for many and it’s incredibly insensitive to those who have been and are in the thick of it and are traumatized by the situations surrounding said virus. Please be kind and empathetic.
@jessp … I have eyes and can read data and consult regularly with medical professionals…? I specifically said that for ages 2 and under or immune compromised. I didn’t say it generally has that rate. There is a difference between generalizations and specifications. As someone who has children in those specified realms, I’m aware of the dangers. Please use critical thinking skills when reading. Thanks!
@jilleighan7 Honestly, totally agree. My eyes have been so crusty and just swollen it’s hard to function. My kids however are lucky they don’t get the pink eye. At most, crusty eyes yes.
@jaymes The first time I got it in 2016 I was out of work nearly 3 weeks, last time I was out of work 1 week. It's really shitty and not much you can do but wait it out. I always know I have it when the pink eye appears.
@jaymes I (mom) is on Day 5 of this. I thought it was just a weird cold at first, although it did seem different, until the pink eye hit yesterday. So not fun. I’m terrified the kids will get it. This sore throat is from hell. I had strep a month ago and it was nothing compared to this. And now on top of feeling like crap, my eyes are so swollen and constantly watering and painful. Such a weird illness.

How is your family doing? What has the course been? Looking for a light at the end of the tunnel.