@binhhb8b We were discharged from the hospital this morning. The end results that came back said my kids were positive for adenovirus, strep, and flu b. Right now they’re on tamaflu for the flu and amoxicillin for strep. So far my oldest has no more fever bur my youngest still doesn’t want to eat. Now I have the fever at 104 and a nasty cough and super duper congested. Especially around the eye area and my temples are POUNDING. Tomorrow will be a week from when it first started. This is a short week for us, so I might just keep my kids home and have them start fresh Monday. I also haven’t slept in days and my body has never been this achy since who knows when.
@binhhb8b Hi, dealing with this now. I (mom) got it first, and now my husband has it. My two little ones seem ok - 1mo old and 19 mo old. I’m breastfeeding my 1mo old and sneaking my 19mo old breastmilk mixed with her whole milk. Praying that keeps them both healthy. Did your kids end up getting it? If so, how did they do? Terrified this will continue, and can’t wait to feel better and enjoying summer as a family.
@redeemed76 How are you all now? My son and I have been battling it for 10 days. He seems to be better today and almost fully himself finally. Me on the other hand…some days I feel like I’m making little progress although still weak but then today I woke up worse than the last two days. It’s mostly just extreme weakness and fatigue and complete loss of appetite that is left now. But the swollen throat and cough comes and goes in waves throughout the day. What worked for you guys? I’m losing hope here and afraid it’s going to turn into something very serious
@jaymes I got adenovirus this time last year. 103 degree fever for a week, double pink eye, coughing up blood. I have never been so sick in my 32 years of life. Truly the worst thing on the planet.
@carol70 Coughing up blood ?! That’s on a whole new level. At mom my 7 year old has had back to back nose bleeds since Wednesday. Shivers and cold even tho he is burning up and he is very confused on why his fever hasn’t gone away. Even he knows whenever he’s sick, it goes away pretty fast.
@jaymes I got the adenovirus in 2015 after picking it up from my nanny kids and we were all miserable sick for weeks. It was rough.

It was like having the weirdest stomach virus and an awful cold that just wouldn’t quit.

It’s a virus so no real treatment, you can only treat symptoms. We all recovered without intervention (other than the initial doctors visit for the kiddos to get the diagnosis) except for one of the kids who was vomiting once a day for weeks. Ended up getting Zofran prescription and starting probiotics which helped. She ended up losing a good amount of weight and taking awhile to gain it back.
@jaymes Thank you for posting this. My 21 month old and 9 yo just got it and this was very helpful I thought my kids were in big trouble now I know the virus is just crazy.
@jekwumoore Oh no I’m so sorry this is happening to you! No fever on my end quite yet thank goodness! We haven’t ever gotten that sick since this post.
@jaymes This is a bit assuring to read that this virus hits pretty hard, my 7 year old son with weak immune system dealing with this from last 5 days. We already had 2 urgent care trips and one ER. His fevers are going 104 and not come down without giving both Motrin and Tylenol together. His breathing so bad and extremely tired and contagious. Nights are the worst and it has also brought his Cdiff infection back. I don’t know how long it would take for him to start feeling better.