9 yrs ttc for #1.


New member
Hey everyone:

Ttc for last 9 years, I'm 30 and my husband is 31. We had unexplained infertility. Eventually found out my husband needed to have surgery (varicocele repair) due to having high white blood cells in his sperm. His samples are typically on the lower scale in all categories.

My cycles are irregular, diagnosed with pcos. Cycles are typically every 35-42 days.

We are preparing to start ivf, my husband's surgery did not result in any improvements. Found out yesterday that my baseline blood work was came back, results show my estrogen is at 290.5 and it should be 50 or less.

Should have more information tomorrow after my SIS test... anyone experience high estrogen on cycle day 3??

Why.. 😭 we want this so badly to work.
@plebeian I have high estrogen too, but also confirmed diminished ovarian reserve. We just found out Friday that our best bet for ever conceiving again is IVF, which of course is extremely expensive…and my husband is not interested in paying that much out of pocket. We’re also older than you youngins, so I hope you have the best of luck! They had me start taking CoQ10 and DHEA. Did your doctor recommend any supplements for you?

I also just did an HSG test, which is very similar to a SIS. It was nice to have another piece of the puzzle.

Good luck, girl! ❤️❤️
@bjyovino I get so mad when doctors suggest IVF. Yeah, let me go grab my check book. I don’t have 30k laying around to spend on 1 round of IVF. And the second offering is financing option with sucks too. I wish our country wouldn’t be so unreasonable when it comes to fertility issues. In many European countries they pay for few rounds of IVF for you. My best friend in Germany has maternity leave for a year or even more after her baby was born, and she stopped working when she was 5-6 months pregnant.
@drdux Absolutely!! You’re paying soooo much and that doesn’t even cover the costs of delivery or actually raising a baby. Meanwhile, I have friends accidentally getting pregnant.

What’s even more frustrating is our insurance told us they cover 80% of infertility treatment costs. But after asking for clarification, they confirmed IVF does not count as an infertility treatment. WTF.
@plebeian I just had a baseline ultrasound this morning and had a follicle that didn't ovulate last cycle resulting in a cyst. My nurse said that they can sometimes still secrete estrogen and she ordered a CD3 blood draw to check E2 levels. She said that it could be high due to the cyst.

(I have pcos and was treated with letrozole/trigger last cycle.)