9 month sleep regression? Or just a cold?


New member
Our 9 month old started sleeping really well at night after a little crying she would take her self back to sleep and finally slept through a couple nights in a row but then we all got a cold. We are over our colds now but her sleep hasn’t recovered and I can’t tell if she’s over tired and that’s why she’s waking so much in the night or if she’s waking up out of habit. She normally has 2 x 1-1.5 hour naps in the day and we will try to sometimes get her down for a Power Nap if we think she needs it. She goes to bed 6.30-6.30 but the last couple nights is waking at 11 o’clock, 2.30 & 5.30. I wouldn’t normally feed her until gone 2 but she has screamed for me the last couple nights and will only settle after feeding. What can I do to get her sleep back on track before I return to work.