9 month old won’t sleep at daycare!


New member
Guys I’m lost - my 9 month old won’t sleep at daycare. They so naps from 12-2 and that’s the only nap he gets but he only does 30 minutes or so.

Any tips recommended - daycare is going crazy and telling me he’s the only kid that doesn’t sleep and I’m wondering if they are going to kick us out because he won’t nap.
@caminator Is this a larger daycare or in home? If it’s a larger center, I’m curious what the age group is of the room just cause like most the other comments, I’m surprised at 9 months they are on schedule naps. The infant room at our daycare is under 1 and they put them down for naps on demand or based on the schedule the parents provide. Once they move to the toddler room once they turn 1, is when they have them on a set 1 nap offered at the same time for everyone schedule.

They did start trying to get my son on a longer nap in prep for the toddler room, but they didn’t start doing this until a couple weeks before he turned one and they asked us beforehand. 9 months seems way too early which is likely why he’s struggling. I’m surprised they’re saying all the other kids are sleeping and it’s just your son, so that’s why I’m also curious if the other kids they’re referring to are also infants?
@soothsayer I’d say it’s a medium size, it’s a facility but run by a woman and her husband with just about 5-6 staff overall.

I definitely think she isn’t telling me the whole truth - no kid sleeps for exactly 2 hours EVERY day. They are just babies!!!
@caminator A lot of babies do sleep for 2 hours a day but those babies are usually at least 12months old and only on 2 naps. Trying to make a baby who is too young survive on the same routine isn’t ok. I’d query how old the other babies are who are napping at this time.
@caminator One nap for 9 month olds? Wow that's rough. Honestly it's a little early for him to be at 1 nap so that maybe is part of the problem - by noon he's exhausted and overtired.

What I would do is try to give him another nap either before I take him in or after I get off depending on my schedule.

Our baby doesn't nap at daycare much either (although they do multiple naps for her) and so I squeeze in a 4:30 p.m. nap sometimes and let her sleep even for like an hour or so. She's often still ready for bed at 7/7:30 just because of so little daytime sleep. I think it'll get better in a few months when he's actually ready for one nap.
@steveepperson We definitely do the after daycare naps too! He still needs it for sure. Thankfully on our drive there he takes a quick nap too so I try and let him catch a few more in the parking lot
@caminator I’m pretty sure no other daycares are only giving 1 nap to a 9 month old. If that’s genuinely their policy then I think you are better off finding another place
@candies Honestly I was thinking very similar. It’s been a blessing because since he’s been he’s only gotten sick once (and I don’t even think it was from daycare) but this is starting to drive me a little wild
@caminator Man it was rough for even my almost 1 year old to adjust to the 1 nap through daycare. They offer him naps at various points in the baby room whenever he’s tired! Is he in a room with other babies same age?
@caminator I can't imagine a 9 month old on 1 nap let alone a 4 month old. My almost 3 year old took 2 naps until 15 months and my almost 4 month old still takes like 3-5 naps a day 😂
@caminator That schedule is really not appropriate for a 9mo. He’d be overtired for sure and that’s why the nap isn’t long. I’m guessing he’s the younger of the babies if he’s the only one not sleeping? I can’t see many babies that age surviving on that schedule
@caminator This is not a developmentally appropriate nap schedule for a 9 month old, no wonder he's only sleeping 30 minutes, he's awake way too long in the morning. Short naps can be a sign of over tiredness. (Also under tired but unless he's waking up for the day at 10am, I don't think this is the case.)

He needs to be on a two nap schedule with wake windows approximately 3/3/4 (the numbers being hours awake, / are the naps)
@caminator I never have heard of a baby getting kicked out for not napping!? That seems a little much? Some babies also don’t nap long and done take a bit to adjust… I’m sure they have to have some Grace?

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