8 weeks pregnant bleeding and cramping with low closed cervix p


New member
I'm currently 8 weeks and I went to the ER yesterday for bleeding and cramping, they did an ultrasound and baby was fine heartbeat was 135 . Today the cramping is constant and my cervix is really low like an inch in maybe but it's still closed so far . Has anyone had something like this and it turn out to be okay ? I'm literally rocking back and forth it hurts so bad , bleeding has been constant for over a week progressively getting heavier , started with spotting . I am prepared for the worst , I've miscarried before but it was at 6 weeks and super fast . I don't get in to my doctor until the 24th but I don't think I'm going to make it that far.
I did end up miscarrying today , I went to the hospital and when they did the pelvic exam everything was right there . I wasn't ready for another baby just yet but I was still excited and hoping I would keep him/her . I just feel so ....hopeless ..
@budsmorningsky I went to the ER this early in my pregnancy as well from cramping and some bleeding…everything turned out okay after multiple tests and an ultrasound. If the bleeding gets heavier I would try to get into the obgyn sooner.