8 months into 2nd kid


New member
I posted this a while back (old account, but it was me) and I just thought I'd give an update.


We are now 8 months into 2 kids! Almost 3.5 year old boy and 8 month old girl.

The best parts:

We are more relaxed and able to enjoy the baby stage more this time. We know all of the crappy parts are temporary. We aren't second guessing every little thing and googling everything.

Seeing the two kids interact is amazing. Our hearts melt when one kid is being really cute, but when they are cute together it is amplified exponentially.

We have another tiny unique human to love and adore! She is so different from her brother in so many ways. It's great to have more love in our lives. This is definitely the biggest pro. As cliche as it is, we cannot imagine our family without her.

We no longer have to live on the fence. For me this was big, because I spent 6 months agonizing over the decision. We are finally able to get rid of all of the baby stuff as she outgrows it and make plans of what we can do when they're both old enough for various vacations/ activities. My husband got a vasectomy and neither of us had to question if we would regret it.

The cons:

Starting over is a little hard when my son is able to do so much more now. We could be traveling, camping, etc. but these things are just too hard (for us) with a baby. However, we do a lot more kid activities than we did when my son was a baby, and she is just along for the ride. We still had our most fun summer yet with pool membership and trips to the amusement park because my son was finally a good age for those things.

Tied to the previous con, I feel like I'm back to counting down to when she will be older and things will be easier. Neither of us are huge baby people (if that wasn't already apparent), so I keep thinking how much better things will be in a year. Even more so than we did with my son because this time we know how fun things are as they get older.

Logistically two kids is always harder than one. I'm working around two kids' naps, bedtime, needs. I'm pretty comfortable taking both kids out by myself, but it's a lot easier to have help. I've wiped my 3 year old's bum multiple times with the baby strapped to me, and it's not a situation I enjoy having to repeat.

We're more tired than we were with one. This was a given, and I can only hope that she will sleep as well as he does one day. She's been more difficult to sleep train, but still we've made a lot of progress. Even when we get good sleep, two kids is more mentally and physically draining.

TLDR: Having 2 kids was a good decision for us. There are moments that having 2 is really hard, but not days or weeks like that.
@nickel I have an 8 month old too (and an almost 3 year old) and I could have written something similar! Very happy with our two but we are definitely done now as well haha
@nickel I really needed to hear this, 8 months pregnant with a really difficult pregnancy and I often regret the decision because every day is so hard for me because of all my health issues and me not being able to be there for my daughter.
@nickel Love this post! My youngest is 1 and oldest almost 3 and I so relate to everything here. The little one just learned to walk so I’m starting to see that light at the end of the baby tunnel. It feels sooo much easier once they don’t need to be carried everywhere and know a few words. I was able to hand both kids a slice of pizza tonight, and albeit messy, I didn’t need to specially cut it or physically feed anyone! It’s so manageable and fun in fact that sometimes my dumbass thinks another one wouldn’t be so bad….
@nickel Due with number 2 in Feb and our girl will be 2.5yo - thank you for posting this!

We’re 100% 2 and through and we’re already planning the throw out stages as this little girl outgrows the clothes and toys and gear!

We’re also not baby people, and I REALLY am not looking forward to all the breastfeeding shenanigans or sleep deprivation but I cannot wait to see our little girl as a big sister and meet this tiny kickboxer who’s taken such a dislike towards my ribs and lungs.
@nickel Thanks for sharing this update! I am 6 months pregnant with a second; my older is 4.5. I anticipate a lot of what you've described...
@nickel Thanks for sharing. I have a 15 month old and I loooove this stage way more than the infant. She's so much fun, it definitely made me change my mind on OAD and think I'd like a second in a couple years. I do fear how much more tired I will be lol
@nickel Do you think if you had waited even another year that the con of not being able to do more stuff that toddler can do would’ve been more of a problem? I worry if we wait til our baby is 4-5 versus 3-4 that we could just get over the baby stages more quickly, but I’m also lost if we will be ready for it!
@jesus_is_our_lord Hmm, personally for us, yes. We are really big on travel. We did a lot of traveling pre kids and are really looking forward to doing more. There are days I'm envious of friends with a 2 year age gap now that the younger one is 18 months, but I know I wasn't ready that soon.