7w3d ultrasound - no heartbeat


New member
Hey all -

I had a transvaginal ultrasound today (7w3D) and the midwife saw the gestational sac and yolk sac, but could not measure crown to rump and did not see a heartbeat.

She said the gestational sac looked small, measuring at 5.5-6 weeks, and that I should come back in 2 weeks.

I’m not sure how it’s possible for my ovulation to be so far off. My cycles are quite short (26-28 days), so it’s not as though there’s tons of wiggle room. Plus, I tested positive at exactly 4 weeks after my LMP.

Of course, I’m concerned, especially as an older mom (39).

Has anyone else experienced something like this?


UPDATE: It was a blighted ovum. No fetal pole, no heartbeat at 9W.
@pink318 So you can have pregnancies develop a little slower and be off by dates, but when I had this happen with twins I miscarried. Have you been taking coq10 or anything? It helps with dna development and stability
@pink318 Hate to say but as older women ttc egg quality can go down causing blighted ovum and increase chances of miscarriage because of this. Coq10 200 mg twice a day helps with the dna stability and egg quality and helped me have two kids over age 35
@pillywiggin Sounds nice if it’s truly safe
Do you have scientific information on this? I just have always heard it being taken during IVF but to stop once finding out you’re pregnant, admittedly do not know much about it, I’m curious to know and see if it’s something I should discuss with my dr
@kayheartsong I did a lot of research in it during my miscarriages, coq10 is in all dna and in general use can undo damage on the body by making dna replicate in the correct way. This is what happens when its effecting egg production, older eggs which were previously dna damaged aren’t because the eggs correct their dna patterns and become stable, thus giving higher chance of conception as the egg is reacting how it should, rather than not fertilising or causing early miscarriage.

Before taking coq10 i had 6 miscarriages, i then experienced a miscarriage of twins when i stopped taking the supplement at 6 weeks but when I continued had a healthy baby who when genetically tested for defects at 20 weeks scored 1/20000. His brother who was conceived accidentally i started taking coq10 after conception scored 1/5000
@pillywiggin Wow that’s really incredible that you figured that out and it worked, very happy for you and your LO’s🫶🏽🫶🏽
From your experience, would you recommend starting coq10 at 9 weeks? (9-12, I will want to discuss it with my OB at 12 week apt).
I’m naive to exactly what is happening in my body with the baby at this moment in time, do you know if I’ll get to genetic testing at 12 weeks or is that later on?
I am currently 9 weeks, I am 36, this is my first pregnancy. Ive never had a pregnancy scare in my life, accepted I wasn’t meant to have a child…
I’m very frightened this may be my only chance at conceiving. My heart goes out to you, OP, and all women who have endured such loss and pain…
I found out one month ago and so far, it has been a very lonnnng month, time has slowwwwed down.
@kayheartsong If all is well at 9 weeks genetic foundation is there and your only a few weeks off the second trimester, it won’t hurt but its more beneficial from before ovulation, bit all 36 yos need coq10
@pink318 This sounds just like my blighted ovum. I pray that isn't the case with you and they just got your dates wrong. Keep going to the follow up visits.