7 y/o fever keeps coming back... what to do?


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Tues - comes home from school w a fever. Treat around 101.7

Weds - same; treat high fever. Responds to tylenol. Doctor tests for covid strep flu, all neg. I make him yake at home uti test - neg.

Thurs - fever when not medicating. Went to urgent care. Double ear infection. Start antibiotics

Fri - fever all day when not medicating. Sweating at night.

Sat - here we are. What do we do w the symptoms continuing?

No symptoms besides mild diarrhea ( today ) and runny and stuffy nose. Tired around 7 pm but is his bright cheery self. We are hydrating the heck out of him w water and pedialyte.

Should I bring him back to dr or urgent care if he is 48 hours with antibiotics and still has a fever? I want to be on top of everything and I cant help but worry. He has bever had a 4 day fever its crazy!
@swan 4 day fever isn’t that unusual. We had 10 days recently. We went to the doctor twice. They said it was just a virus.
@one55 Yeah I am going to take him back today. This will be his 3rd time to the doctor in 4 days but just trying to stay on top of it
@one55 Can you elaborate on the 10 day fever experience? My daughter (4.5yo) is on day 6, has gotten better in the last 3 days and started getting her apetite back but still spiked up to 41 in the night time.
@joey97 That is pretty much how it was for us - around 4 or 5 days of fairly low fever, then it went away for a day then back higher for a day or two and then a few more days of lowish fever. All we know is it wasn’t COVID, flu, or strep.
@swan We had the same thing at the end of October. Fever wouldn’t go away, daughter was out of school for a week and a half. All tests came back negative. I ended up catching it from her and we’re both still stuck with lingering coughs. It felt like there was no end in sight. We were one day from getting chest X-rays and blood work when the fever went away.