7 week old miserable whenever awake


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Just to preface an going to call her Dr tmmr morning but it is very late here currently. I'm just trying to see some other opinions on what could be happening 😞.
My LO was on enfamil yellow regular can but started having issues with arching and irritability so Dr recommended gentleease, we were on that for 2 weeks was great then all of a sudden the arching and crying after feeding came back plus she would hold formula in her mouth then cough it all out instead of eating. Was generally an OK baby other than around feeding time. My Dr thought it was constipation but she pooped 3 to 4 times a day and was soft poops? I was like ok whatever u guys aren't listening to me I guess.
So i tried enfamil AR and she did great on it for 2 weeks but now is an miserable baby if she's awake. All she does is cry or fuss if she's awake, recently has gotten Uber gassy and struggling to poop on her own most times. She will eat her hole bottle without problem, and is gaining weight great, is 11 lbs last time wic checked her out. But if she's away just constant fussing other than maybe 30min of peace when she first wakes up from a nap but then she's crying for food and we start the cycle all over again. I'm just at a loss for what to do and the fear the Dr will just kinda say it's something it's not again.
@beeface My babe was similar and we tried tons of different formulas. I also felt like my doctor wasn't listening or hearing me because they basically said some babies go through this. No blood in stool, so they said no allergies.

We added probiotics and do gas relief with every bottle. It has helped some. We also stuck with GentleEase formula. We decided to try it for 6 weeks so she could fully acclimate. We are 3 weeks in and she is doing better. She is currently 3 mo.
@beeface I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I am experiencing this with my 6-week-old, as well. We’ve tried multiple different formulas and settled on Enfamil Nutrimigen, but it doesn’t seem to help much. We also use Simethicone drops which were recommended by the pediatrician. Those help momentarily but not long term. After speaking to 3 pediatricians they have all come to the conclusion that it’s colic, which is a total nightmare because there is not much we can do about it. I hope you find answers for your little one, but if you can’t just know you’re not alone and they will outgrow it. I try to remind myself that it’s a unique opportunity to comfort and be there for them. Also, we as parents will be traumatized by it but they won’t remember it at all! Hang in there. ❤️
@beeface Our baby was MISERABLE as soon as we started upping her formula feedings.

We switched to Kendamil Goat and also used Mylicon while switching over. Difference was nearly immediate.
@beeface First, I want to tell you that 'this is a season, and it will pass'. I have a 14 week old LO, and weeks 5-10 were absolute hell. She was the fussiest, most miserable baby, and I cried every single day. The stress brought on pityriasis rosea, that's how bad it got. So, please believe the mantra, because it really will pass. Second, my LO went from Kendamil to Nutramigen, because we couldn't even get through a feeding without a full meltdown. We did the normal transition which took two weeks, and guess what? No change. We practiced paced feeding in hopes it would help, it didn't. Then, we added a probiotic ....no dice. We administered Mylicon drops after every feeding, and while they did help, it wasn't a miracle worker. By week 11, her stomach woke up; she stopped crying during every feed. She began drinking more than 3-3.5 oz of formula per sitting, and she began sleeping through the night.

Sometimes our LO's stomachs take longer to get themselves into gear and work as they should. They don't come out of our wombs ready to digest. From everything I've researched, experts say that at 8 weeks, a baby's stomach only JUST begins to wake up.

At 14 weeks, LO takes 7oz each sitting with no crying. We still practice pace feeding to slow things down a bit, we still administer Mylicon after each feeding, and we discovered that we need to burp her after the first huge drags on the bottle (we find this to be crucial in the first few minutes).
@velaut This sounds a lot like my 7 week old right now. We also switched to Nutramigen— are you still using this as well or were you able to switch back to something else?
@sportygal45 Hi! Sorry I didn't see your message until now. We never switched back. Flip-flopping seemed like a bad idea for a sensitive stomach, so we just kept with Nutramigen since it was working.
@beeface Ohhh maybe a cow milk allergy. My daughter went through 3-4 diff formulas, was ok for a week, maybe 2 and then the stomach issuers and misery came in. I saw she had little red spots of blood in her poop so we finally decided to switch to an amino based formula… all those issues went away. Check for a dairy issue!
@beeface Ohhh the one we use says you can put straight in mouth or in her bottle. Bottle was easier. Good luck to you, I know it’s so hard to see them hurting and not knowing how to help. It took us a few good tries before we finally got it right. But the process was so tough. She is still on neocate, and our Pediatrician gave us the green light to reintroduce dairy next month… fingers crossed. Best to you