7 month old wakes at 3 or 4 am every night


New member
My LO has always been a fantastic sleeper. We have followed the Moms on Call schedule since he was 6 weeks and he has almost always slept through the night ever since until 5 months. 4-5 nights out of 7 a week he wakes up at 3 or 4 am for an hour. He doesn’t cry, but babbles loudly (thus me staying up to make sure he’s ok) till he falls back asleep until his wake time. We never have to go in but I’d love for him to sleep soundly all night. Is it just a phase or is there something I can do? He eats so well and a lot, I’ve tried warmer and cooler temps, changing his diaper etc, but none of it seems to be the culprit.
@diffcreation I also do moms on call and have noticed sometimes they just require too much sleep for my baby and I have to make adjustments. Are you doing it with or without the catnap at 5pm?
@helpabroout With the cat nap! He really seems like he needs it when the time approaches. Also, we put him down at 7pm (bottle then bed) but I wake him up at 6:15am so we can make it to daycare on time (it’s in home and they say he crushes all of his naps perfectly on schedule). Should I try weening off the cat nap?
@diffcreation I still do the cat nap with my 7 month old, she definitely still needs it! I’ve just found that if I do the catnap, I need to cap the other naps at 1hr 15 min each. That comes out to a total of 3 hours of daytime sleep. When I let my baby go as long as moms on call advises for the other two naps, plus the catnap, my baby wakes in the night for long periods. If you’re still doing the cat nap, I’d recommend trying to cap the other naps. I hope it helps!

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