6mo hasn’t slept longer than 1.5 - 2 hour blocks overnight for 8 weeks

I am honestly not coping. My PP rage is out of control and I wake up most mornings crying out of desperation for more sleep. We travelled 8 weeks ago with him and we were away for 6 weeks in my home country and kept a normal routine, but since around the time we left his sleep has been f**ked overnight. He’ll nap during the day for 3-4 hours sometimes but never for that long over night, he used to up until 8 weeks ago. He hasn’t cut any teeth yet but there’s movement on his top gums based on how lumpy they are. We co-sleep and contact nap. I’m at a complete loss and desperate for any help.
@vannahlovesjesus So normal at this age. Huge development happens for their sleep around 4 months old, some babies will go back to sleeping longer stretches on their own and some need a bit of support to push through the big changes. I went through the same thing with my now 7.5 month old. Capping naps helped immensely (2 naps a day both around an hour each), as well as ensuring lots of sensory input and interaction during her awake time and plenty of time outdoors. I also ensure her last nap ends no later than 3:30pm so she has plenty of time to build up sleep pressure before bedtime.

Do some experimenting to see what works for your bub. Best of luck x
@vannahlovesjesus My pleasure. I know how impossible it feels when you’re in the thick of sleep deprivation, but it’ll get better eventually and you’ll start to feel yourself coming back to life. You aren’t alone xx
@thebrave I have a baby same age and has fell into the same routine and things are much better!! However we have been having bed time around 7 or 7:30 and she will nurse, fall asleep for a.minute and then she is wired.and we have to tire her out with tickles lol and the she usually finally sleeps by 8 or 8:30 in her guava lotus until we all bed share for the rest of the night. What time does your baby go to bed??
@nowhereman We’re also in the same boat. Our baby turned six months old and sleep went out the window. We now have multiple wake-ups to get him into his cot at bedtime, then if we’re lucky he’ll sleep 2hrs, then it’s into bed with us, where he wakes up every hour to feed and wriggles like crazy! It’s been almost eight weeks of this and I am totally tapped out each morning, can barely see I’m so tired. But I think we’re in a perfect storm of milestones, teething and separation anxiety