6 weeks but measuring 4.3. Give it to me straight!

@retroman40a I didn't read this correctly the first time...when you said you were 6 weeks, I assumed you were counting from ovulation, not from your LMP.

Based on your estimated ovulation plus the first positive test, you definitely weren't even 6 weeks at the ultrasound. 5 weeks and a few days. Measuring 4+3 and not seeing a fetal pole is fine for that gestation.
@divineinfluence I never said it's the same. But measuring 1.5 weeks behind at any point is more likely to end in loss than not. (Assuming dates aren't off, and OP got a first positive at 10 DPO, so at most, she could be 1 or 2 days earlier).

She also had a beta that didn't double properly.
@tarper Six week US are very inaccurate. I think the HCG is far more concerning, the US at this point is useless. By the time you are eight weeks you should have a heartbeat, but six weeks it’s very hard to find anything. So being eight weeks and two weeks behind would more likely end in a loss. But being six weeks it could go either way. You’re implying it’s a loss and that may not be the case.

I do agree OP should guard their heart because HCG numbers but the US isn’t accurate at this stage.
@divineinfluence I made my comment based on all the info given, not just the US. Obviously, it's a possibility that the pregnancy is viable, which is why I never made an absolute statement (if you reread my first comment).
@tarper You never mentioned HCG and you directly compared. Even if you didn’t mean to, I think it’s important to emphasize that a six week ultrasound is useless and can’t tell us anything besides placement. People find these posts later and it gives them unnecessary anxiety. The HCG is concerning but the US is fine.
@divineinfluence We can agree to disagree. Measuring more than 1.5 weeks behind even at 6 weeks, assuming you know when you ovulated, is indeed a cause for concern.

It doesn't mean it's definitely not viable, I agree. It's not a good sign, though.

Edit: at 6 weeks you should be seeing a fetal pole. Too early for a heartbeat.
@tarper I have spoken to so many people who have small GS at or around six weeks and have had live births. Early ultrasounds are super inaccurate, we are talking MMs. I measured a week behind at six weeks and am holding my daughter. Reading stuff like this sent me into a spiral. Six week ultrasounds are rarely done for a reason, besides those with suspected or history of ectopic there is no point. The information you get can go either way.
@divineinfluence To say a six week ultrasound is very inaccurate is a misinformed statement. Measuring 4 weeks via transvaginal US when you’re 6 weeks and sure of dates would certainly be a bad sign. Based on betas and gestational age, certain structures (and sizes) should still be visible on ultrasound, whether you’re 6 weeks or 8 weeks. Things are certainly easier to find at 8 weeks, sure, but a six week ultrasound is not “inaccurate” by any means. Obviously, if we’re talking about a novice practitioner doing a transabdominal ultrasound at 6 weeks… then yes, it could be inaccurate. But to make a generalized statement that 6 week ultrasounds are inaccurate… just no.
@romans82 You’re being pedantic, maybe I should not have added “very.” It has nothing to do with provider, there’s many variables. I’ve met many, many people, myself included would say that we’ve experienced this and things were fine. That doesn’t mean they are, still 1/4 of pregnancies end in a MC. When you’re speaking of structures that are the size of a poppy seed it can easily be measured wrong, wrong angle etc. And the fact op could easily be a few days behind, I absolutely would not say the US is telling her anything. It’s far too early to know for sure, HCG levels are the biggest indicator of a problem in this situation. But structure wise and HCG match.

People find these posts at a later date and it freaks them out, so I truly believe it’s important to not place too much importance on early US. This is too early.
@retroman40a I was 7W6D with my last pregnancy, measured 6W4D. I knew I ovulated about 4 days late, but that was still a pretty big discrepancy. We went back a week later and while it had grown a week, and we saw a HB, it was still a week behind. Found out at my 10W US that it stopped progressing a day after my last US. I honestly wish somebody had been more upfront with me because it felt so sad and violating to know I had been carrying around my poor baby with no HB for three weeks.

I think that while yes, there can be success stories with measuring pretty far behind, it's probably never a great sign. I'm currently 11W with our 🌈 and the anxiety is real, but baby measured on track this time (only 3 days behind LMP when I ovulated 5/6 days late), so fingers crossed.

I'm so sorry you're going through this. It really sucks. 😓
@johnnybegood55 I am so sorry for what you’ve been through. I know the feeling of carrying a pregnancy that is no longer viable and it’s gut wrenching. I am thinking that’s what is happening this time too. I am so blessed with a 2.5 year old but this journey for a second has been so discouraging. I just pray whatever is meant to be will be 🙏🏼
@retroman40a I'm so, so sorry. We are in the same boat with a 2.5 YO at home as well. I will be sending you all of the wishes for a happy outcome--please keep us posted.

I am also a bundle of nerves after the MMC, and second guess every day if this is progressing. Pregnancy after loss is no joke.

Sending a hug, hope, and solidarity. 🤍🤍
@johnnybegood55 i’m so sorry for your loss. i do however have a question… did you still exhibit all of your normal pregnancy symptoms / have your tummy grow even without a heartbeat? I’m currently 13weeks + 6days and I haven’t had an appt since 6weeks+3. So, I’m a little concerned going into my appointment on Tuesday. If this is too personal or raw, don’t answer and I apologize.
@gadsden You are very sweet, congratulations on your pregnancy!

So in short, generally yes--I did still have symptoms with my MMC, but I did notice a slight decrease in them around the 7.5W mark. I was still fatigued and tired, but some of my breast heaviness went away. I was feeling nauseous from about 5-6W, and that also seemed to lessen but I thought it was my body getting used to the HCG. No bleeding or cramping though.

To reassure you--with my 2.5YO son and this current pregnancy, I have very minimal symptoms, and with this current one, they started getting better around 9.5W which made me nervous. I went in at 10W and baby was bopping around like crazy! 🤍Symptoms start to ease up for lots of women around the 9/10W mark as the placenta begins to take over!

Best of luck with your pregnancy 🌻
@johnnybegood55 Thank you! Congratulations on your 🌈as well!!!

I’m really really sorry about your MMC.

I’ve had very minimal symptoms as well (i.e. moderate nausea, no vomiting, moderate hunger, and SEVERE fatigue), but overall I’m saw the heartbeat at 6 weeks and they said it was strong. So, that’s comforting. I go in on Tuesday for my second OB appointment, and I’m TERRIFIED. Thank you for the reassurance, though. I appreciate it and all of the information you’ve given me.

Best of luck to you too! 🫶🏻