6 weeks but measuring 4.3. Give it to me straight!


New member
I just had my 6 week ultrasound and there was a gestational sac present but nothing was seen inside. The doctor said that I was measuring at about 4 weeks 3 days. She then asked me if I’ve experienced any bleeding and I have not.

I came in for the scan because my HCG numbers did not double one of my draws but the most recent numbers were 506 to 1,200 which they said were good. Today’s scan was ensure my pregnancy was not ectopic due to my HCG numbers-which it is not it is properly located in my uterus.

I’ve had a miscarriage before and I am not naive to this process so I just want to know……is there any chance this pregnancy could be viable or are the odds against me?

Edited to add: I had an appointment one week later and miraculously a teeny tiny baby showed up. One of the people commenting on here said that I was probably closer to 5 weeks last week due to ovulation if I didn’t go by my LMP…..and they were right. I still have a long way to go but HB was 110. The doctor was shocked.
@retroman40a I honestly don’t know about odds, but I will say when I miscarried last fall, my 8 week ultrasound was a week and a half behind even though there was a heartbeat. No one told me I should be concerned but I wish they would have.
@breeze7 I wish the doctor would have been more upfront with me today too. It’s just left me feeling confused with false hope but I know enough to know the odds are against me.
@breeze7 Eight week vs six week US is so different guys. By eight weeks there is a heartbeat and you can see tiny baby. These early stages things develop rapidly. There is a wild difference between being behind at eight weeks vs six. We’re talking mms and measuring just a sac.
@divineinfluence You’re so right. Sometimes these early scans are more harm than good. I had an ultrasound for placement just to rule out ectopic. I wish they would still track my HCG over the next week to see if it is still going up but they won’t anymore. So it’s just waiting until my next ultrasound trying not to think about it. I just took a test and the two lines are as dark as they’ve ever been. But I don’t want to get my hopes up either. 🤷🏼‍♀️
@retroman40a Hi. At 8 weeks since my LMP I was measuring exactly 6 weeks. I had spotting and low progesterone. My hcg at about 13 dpo was 17. I am now 16w5d. We now assume late implantation which means we aren’t counting my last period at all. Week 1 for me started the day I ovulated. I had a still born in October so I’m high risk. Lots of tests and ultrasounds but baby is wiggling away so far. Sometimes the start can be a little rough, but that doesn’t mean it’s over. They diagnosed me with a threatened miscarriage which meant that basically it was a failed miscarriage. If your numbers are now doing well I would be cautiously optimistic. It is common for baby to measure off in the first few weeks because it is a difference of millimeters. A gestational sack is a positive. Fetal pole is more towards the 5 weeks mark I believe and heartbeat won’t be until about 6 weeks. Everyone is different and I’m very much not out of the woods yet. I lost my daughter at 18 weeks and did not find out until 22 weeks, no signs or anything. As I get closer I am terrified, and the start of this pregnancy being so iffy is definitely a worry. But so far so good. Don’t count yourself out yet. Here is something I use often to help me in my rough days and when grief has a hold on me. Good luck and keep us updated if you feel you can ❤️

1. Today I am pregnant and I love my baby.
2. I am pregnant with a healthy. growing baby until I am told otherwise.
3. My past is not my future and previous losses do not mean I will have future losses.
4. Just because someone else is having a loss doesn't mean I will.Miscarriage and loss are not contagious, but fear can be.
5. Hope does not make bad things happen. I cannot jinx my pregnancy by getting my hopes up or by telling someone about it.
6. There is nothing I can change with worry. Worrying about something out of my control does not prevent it from happening.
7. IF it happens again, God forbid, I know I can survive.
@apologeticsguy Thank you so much for this detailed and personal response ❤️ I am so sorry for what you’ve been through. I can’t even imagine. I am praying for you and your current pregnancy. And those commandments are wonderful mantras to help ease our mind ❤️
@retroman40a I have a similar story to OP. I am currently 29 weeks pregnant after a 34 week stillbirth last year.

My first scan for this pregnancy I was supposed to be 6 weeks, but I was told I was measuring 4-5 weeks. I believed I implanted slightly on the later side as when I tested on 12dpo I got a very faint positive about an hour after I took the test. I found the size of the GS pretty much fit with the date I had my first positive (it may have been a couple of days out).

I believe if you count the day of your first positive as 3 weeks pregnant, then count forward and see if the measurement is in the correct ballpark, you can see if it is definitely going to be a loss, or if it could potentially develop.

I went for another scan 2 weeks later and despite having heavy bleeding, the baby had grown the appropriate amount in the 2 weeks and had a heartbeat at the next scan.

I hope for the best outcome for you.
@enia08 First off, I am absolutely so sorry for your loss last year. You are so strong mama ❤️‍🩹

How do you get the thought behind you are 3 weeks the day of your first positive? This puts my numbers closer in range to where they should be but everything that calculated based on my LMP puts me at a solid 6 weeks-including the calculations they use at the doctors office.

For your first scan, did they see more than just the gestational sac when you were measuring 4-5 weeks?
@retroman40a I saw the 3 weeks thing on this sub, as people were saying even with ivf it’s impossible to know how long it takes to implant. My LMP put me at 6 weeks too, but I knew I ovulated on day 17 of my cycle and the rest of the discrepancy must’ve been from later implantation.

This pregnancy has continued to match up to the those dates even though I should be 1.5 weeks further along according to my LMP.

At the first scan they really struggled to find the GS, it literally took them about 15 mins of looking and 2 people to find it. They said there might be the beginning of a yolk sac there but nothing definitive.

The two week wait till my next scan was awful and at one of my later scans in the first trimester, the GS sac was measuring very small in comparison to the CRL. But thankfully I didn’t miscarry. Just praying to get to 37 weeks now 🩵.
@retroman40a How sure are you about being 6 weeks? If there's no/little wiggle room with dates, it's likely going to be a loss. I'm so sorry. I measured 2 weeks behind at 8 weeks, it ended in a loss. I understand the pain.

I'm hoping you're just earlier than you think.
@tarper I am pretty sure it is accurate. I first tested positive 10dpo on 5/19. I am guessing my ovulation was 5/9. I did not do ovulation strips but I was being monitored through my fertility clinic so I know my ovulation was that day give or take…..not a few weeks off.

Thank you for your honesty.