6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?


New member
Curious to know how everyone goes with night sleep? We’ve been lucky to have about 1 week of consistent nights where it’s 1 wake up for a feed. Otherwise so erratic, he’ll wake up at 9 or 10pm screaming every second night. He’s not in pain or teething. Have paid for a sleep consultant, made sure our naps are good during the day, he goes to sleep completely independently and yeah we just can’t get any consistency on our nights. Anyone else is this normal lol? 🫠🫠
@aschreck He's been sleeping 12 hours a night since 6 weeks old and yea he still naps during the day. I can't explain it and please don't hate me for it. He turned 8 months today.
@katrina2017 Ironically I'm still exhausted all the time and my hormones are so out of whack still. Struggling with mild PPD and I have good days and bad.

We all need to remember tho that what we are going through is a season and won't last forever.

We got this. ❤️
@luisreyes8 I really, really want to hate you. My son has ONCE slept 7 hours, almost 6 months. He has been waking every 10min-45min in his pack n play and will now only sleep being held. It’s so exhausting and brutal
@baptizo Ugh I understand and accept the hate. I was using the what to expect app and had joined a group on there and everyone was so kind and helpful to each other and I loved it. Til I made the mistake apparently of being honest that baby sleeps well- other moms asked me a lot of tips and tricks and our bedtime routine etc-and then everyone was actually really mean. I understand though because it is brutal and exhausting beyond belief. The first six weeks was super scary and I was really struggling with PPD and breastfeeding and all of it was just too much. Still don't know if I want to do this again... I'm sorry mama. Please know that this is a season and eventually baby will sleep well.
@aschreck This is super normal. The baby sleep industry is just that, a money grab industry.

It is normal for a baby NOT to sleep through the night for years.

Sometimes our LO has 1 wake up, sometimes they have 12. Its always changing and I've been much happier once I accepted there's not much I can or should do about it. : )
@emygdius Thank you for this. The only thing more stressful than a LO who isn’t sleeping is being told that everyone else has it figured out.
@emygdius Yeah I tell myself that every day. There is literally nothing I can do because I have tried everything and there’s no pattern whatsoever yet we have a good night and I’m still disappointed when it’s shit the next one. You’d think I’d have accepted it by now 🤔
@aschreck I just can't accept it either. Because it's too heart breaking every time I get her asleep and then finally lay her down and she cries and we start all over. Maybe if I stop even having hope that she will sleep in the crib then it will get easier to bare lol.

But some nights we give up on trying to keep putting her down, we eventually just have someone hold her all night. But I always feel like I should be trying to get her in the crib, so I feel guilty, like sitting holding her is what I do when I'm too lazy to keep trying.
@christiangirl1991 So frustrating not knowing what we’ll get. Slept 11 hours which was the most we’ve gotten then last night he wakes up an hour after going to bed, then at midnight then took over an hour to get to sleep finally back down at 3am and up at 5 😂 wtf pal

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