5 kids Failed morning routine


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I recently had my 5th child which is 5 months old. My other kids age 16,8,4,2. Im severely struggling to get out the house on time to get to work by 8:45am. Any tips and tricks on how to create a game changer in the madness???. I’m getting really frustrated because I am not consistent.Its very embarrassing showing up to work late every other day. I pick my kids up from daycare and school by 5:30. I’m always tired after work ( i work as a teacher’s assistant) so I’ll do the night routine around 7pm.Thinking maybe i should not work with kids but it does bring me joy and I love being in learning environments. My husband helps a ton but we still can’t get everything done (bath, lunches for next day, clothes laid out, dinner and cleaning). Seems like too many tasks and not enough hands. Mind you my baby will not let us get anything done because she wants to be held. I am also breastfeeding so it takes a lot of my time as well. PLEASE HELP, give suggestions, share encouragement or inspiration. I feel defeated!

Edit: I know I should edit title to 4 kids. My 16 year old daughter is currently living with her dad I just don’t want to exclude her
@proverbs3v5 The ages of your kids are funny, 8 years difference, then cut in half to four years difference, then cut in half to two years difference, then almost cut in half to one year difference (which can be hard to achieve so I won’t discount it!) but the age differences keep halfing!
@orufan Yea i noticed that too a while back. I said oops seems like the kids are getting closer in age the more the amount goes up . Now im on IUD so im super excited about not have more but love my little ones tho!
@proverbs3v5 Have you tried meal prepping? My best friend meal preps on Sunday since she works full time and it’s helped so much with morning time and packing lunches. I also suggest maybe picking out clothes for 1-2 days in advance so the dressing process goes smoother. I usually start getting dinner ready around 2 before everyone is out of school and try to have it done and served by 5 since my 14yo has cheer at 6. I’m a sahm and my olders help out with the kids a lot in the morning and night so I’m not in your exact shoes but maybe some of those things can make the process a little easier
(Mom of 6, 14,14,11,7,5,2)
@brandon05w Do you like being a Sahm? I think it would be easier but i could be wrong. I have to change my attitude about the pressure of having to get us as a family out the door for school and work in the speed of lightning lol! No i never meal prepped. I do want to meal prep tho. How long did it take for you to adjust to all your children? It seems to be taking a while for me. As far as helping I’m going to look up ways that my 8 year old can help. He’s a boy and doesn’t seem so helpful. My 16 year old is living with her dad (sorry for the confusion) i didn’t want to exclude her out of the post. She was very helpful when she was at the house now i have to get the next oldest to get with the program!
@proverbs3v5 I love it! although once everyone is in full time school I plan on starting community college to get my nursing degree since I couldn't do that since I had kids so young. we started off with twins right off the bat so every kid after that was sort of a breeze to us from that point on. I have my olders dress them and sometimes do there hair and pack their bag if i'm too busy to do it. Maybe your 8yo can help dress the littles in the morning or something simple but still helps you out? my older are my saving grace sometimes lmao but I feel you my teen boy tries to help sometimes but sometimes I just get irritated and do it myself lol
@proverbs3v5 I would give your kids more tasks for independence. My 4 year old gets her own clothes ready. She even puts her laundry away, it’s not perfect but she knows. Her “school clothes” hang up, so she knows what’s acceptable For school. So, you can always have the older ones lay their clothes out (you can check). If they are super helpless have a list / picture list of what they need laid out.
Lunches are annoying. It might be worth it to have them buy hot lunch. Or make “bulk lunches” one day a week. Fridays can be hot lunch day.
@proverbs3v5 I would say if you don't have to work, absolutely don't in this life stage, slow down now, there's time to work later if that's what fulfills you. Breastfeeding a 5 month old with other kids and full-time work sounds impossible, something will have to give.
@proverbs3v5 Wfh jobs are just as much work as an in office job. There’s lots of micromanaging no matter where you go-can’t be away for longer than ten minutes and you still have to always be available. You seriously can’t do both- look at the working moms subreddit
@anamikads I wish I had that opportunity to be a SAHM. That would be beautiful because a lot of times I want to enjoy my babygirl being a baby and not focus on the things of this world to stay afloat. My husband pays the mortgage and and bills and I handle all the other miscellaneous expenses. Breastfeeding is so much work. I pump once o n the job and the next time i do it is in the car before going to pick the kids up. Sometimes i feel so exhausted that i feel burnt out. You are possibly right maybe im doing wayyyy too much.
@proverbs3v5 I don’t know how rigid your feelings are on having to pump. If you had the inclination to supplement with formula it will reduce a lot of your mental load. My wife and I have 4 kids, 7 year old, 5 year old and 4 year old twins. The Twins are actually 10 months younger than the 5 year old. They were born premature at 31 weeks and their needs combined with a 3 year old and 10 month old was too much. When we started supplementing with formula for them instead of my wife trying to pump it definitely helped. Using formula has its own challenges and is also expensive as you are probably aware.
@sklyjd I’m happy to hear that your wife was able to get a mental break from pumping by switching to formula. Trust me and I’m sure you have seen it is a lot of work but i feel it’s worth it for the sake of my daughter getting nutrients. I’m not at all against formula because I have bought formula when I was so stressed and was not producing enough breast milk. Whew Breastfeeding Twins… your wife is a trooper! I’m looking forward to pumping less since my baby is will be starting baby food. She’s turning 6 months and her appetite is getting bigger.
@proverbs3v5 I think you have it figured out but just don’t realize it. I can say for certain, regardless of all the dynamics, you need to focus on your mental health. I wish there was a way to allow all new parents to be with their children full time for the first year.
@sklyjd My baby turned 6 months last Friday. My husband is really advocating that I stop breastfeeding to get energy but I think the babies need more til at least one year’s old.
@proverbs3v5 Your feelings about it do matter, I would consult with a pediatrician if you are in the fence. Just know, many children stop breastfeeding between 6months to 1year and that’s ok. You’re ok. Your baby is going to be ok, it’s obvious you love them. I would definitely seek a support group before taking the plunge. It can be very hard to cope with the situation changing so drastically.